Sunday, September 13, 2015


In a completely odd turn of events, I've actually been making food this semester.
Not just food, though, I guess. Actual, takes some effort, fancy-ish food.
It's been...delicious.
 Raspberry pear smoothie
 Chili Cheese Tots
 Chicken Pesto Sandwich
 Cobb Salad
 Meat & Cheese Wrap
 Raspberry Limeade Smoothie
 Lime, Raspberry & Cranberry
Cafe Rio Salad (Burrito)

Food is awesome. Mmmmmmm...

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Sooo...I guess it's been a little while since I posted here.
I kind of got majorly distracted from caring about telling the internet what I was up to.
So here's some stuff:

  • I've now finished 2 years of college, one left to go and it's FREAKING ME OUT maybe more than a little bit. I don't want to have to have a real life/job/etc.
  • I've decided that until I'm forced to be less so, I will be as lazy as I can possibly be and watch very much TV/read very many books (so...basically like normal).
  • I decided that I will never EVER teach math, because...effort, and stress and all that. when people ask me what my major is and I reply: "math." I get to explain in response to their next question that I have absolutely no intention of teaching it and have absolutely no idea what I will do when I graduate. So, there.
  • I spend way too much time with my cat. To the point that I have interesting conversations with her...
  • I have two nephews who are crazy and like to try and bite me sometimes. Emmett's almost 2 (in 5 days) and Henrik's 15.5 months old. Oh, and then there's Rydia who should be born sometime in the next few weeks. 
  • My friend Heather Armstrong is (finally) getting married (haha ;D). Which is crazy and awesome.
  • One of my nearest and dearest friends, Matt Merkley has returned home from his mission! And he's taller and less baby-faced. So...that's weirding me out as well. ;) 
  • Behold his grown-up-ness (as stolen from Facebook as I have not, as of yet seen him in person):
  • This also means that my other dear friend, Josh Clement will be home in less than a month. So...yippee and hooray and all that! 
  • And, finally. Due to the two year hiatus of me seeing these guys, I decided to remember what I looked like back when they left. And it was weird ;) 
(Although the glasses weren't really mine. But this best shows my hair back then, bangs and whatnot)
  • And compared to now, my back then-ness was quite different. Here's me now:

So...that's interesting and all.
And...that's basically enough that I'm going to stop typing now and just post this, because I should really go to bed. Sleep time...

Thursday, March 20, 2014


It's been a while. My computer kind of broke. I got busy with fall semester finals. I did the Christmas break thing (it was sweeet :D). I came back to school. I got sick (twice). I did the Spring break thing. And now here I am, a little more than halfway through the semester. I just gotta say...
English sucks.
It sucks the fun out of my days at times, and it does this thing where it hangs over my head and yet I still put it off until way late. And that's bad. Can't I just not have to do it anymore?
Apparently not. I still have to write that 12-15 page research paper. Oh, and the annotated bibliography. So, may I repeat?
English sucks.
(No offense to those who enjoy English, but I am entitled to my own opinion, aren't I?)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I'm Doomed

Here is one picture to rule your life by:
I have two math tests on Monday, planning to do for my film class, other homework, a paper to write. Basically, I hate all those facts, so I'm choosing to ignore them. Bad plan. All I really want to do is stare at that bunny. 
Okay, seriously though, here's what happened this week.
Food first, as always.
 Allie made biscuits, delicious biscuits
 I made nauvoo potatoes again, mmmm...saucy
I had scrum-diddly-umptuous pitas
I heated up some soup my parents brought me a few weeks back.
It turned into a lump in the middle of the broth. Quite beautiful, really
 We had a lot of candy left over from Halloween. Jessica made a Milk Dud tower...mmmmm...[drools]
Alli opened a package of skittles and it looked like this
Also, I drank water from a green pepper cup. And it didn't taste bad! :)
Also, we ate delicious Pizza Hut & Papa Murphy's pizza at different points during the week. Mmm...crust.
As always, Snap chat has been an integral part of my life. Here are some examples:
 Look, it's Erika!
 What a surprise
 She, Alli, Amanda and Tori did the haunted forest. They apparently get their kicks from scaring the living crap out of people (whatever that means)
 She's kind of insane...just a little
She's got issues. But that was perfect, yay Erika!
 Look, it's me
Here's a picture drawn by my good buddy Rachel
Here are her little siblings, aren't they adorable?
And while I'm on Halloween costumes, here are a few more:
 I had a cape
 My brother, sister-in-law and nephew were Pokemon characters-Ash, Misty & Pikachu!
And my little sister was Ash, aren't we all so dorky?
A few other events:
 I dominated at Matching with Friends
 Francesco here took residence on my knee for three or four days
 I helped my little sister with math homework via Skype
Jess fell the middle of the floor (and flopped over the side of the couch, and at the very edge of her bed, and...a few other places)
 It was quite...lovely
 Indeed. Now it feels funny, I must rectify the situation...later
Two last pictures from Pinterest and some Calculus witticisms and then I'll be gone:
 Double so.
You are now scarred for life, enjoy.
Oh, and watch this video from my childhood:

  • "You endure in space, but if you didn't endure in time...*poof*"
  • "You could draw something that looks like a tarantula and I wouldn't care."
  • "I'm behind the board, walking through the board. I'm magic."
  • "I'm being an idiot, but at least I'm having fun with it."
  • "Everyone knows that green is the shadow of black..."
  • "It's the base of a tetrahedron, but it's upside down, so is it really a base?"
  • "It's just polar coordinates, and z is the same, except it's different."
  • "This is really just polar coordinates on steroids."
  • "Thanks, this is, like all the clothes I wear, not mine."
  • "A mechanical pencil, look Ashley, you click and it's sharp."
  • "Come tomorrow, work with these on Jason."
  • "I am proud of my math-son."
  • "Class is going to be a multimedia extravaganza in three colors."
  • "Are you an orange-white colorblind?"
    "The beauty of math will get you. It saved me form a life of happiness and prosperity as a physician."
  • "We base all our figures on ice cream in here."

Friday, November 1, 2013


Literal Movie Trailers.
My roommate Amanda showed it to me.
It's just kind of worth it. (There are many)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Lazy Week

Hey y'all, here's what happened this week. :)

First, food, as I had so much deliciousness last weekend being HOME for Fall Break:

 I went to Wingers with Erika
 My mom got the chips and salsa AND the french fries (due to an overeager, but forgetful waiter, it was quite excellent, actually).
 I had some TASTY fajitas.
The aforementioned waiter hooked us up with some popcorn to go. It was delicious
Erika can attest to that fact.
After Wingers, we went back to my house and watched The Muppet Movie. It was quite wonderful, what with the third greatest gift being dolled out by the armful (laughter; after children and ice cream).
On Thursday I cooked plain chicken for the first time at college. It was quite tasty. This might have to become a more common occurrence...if I can motivate myself to go to the effort.
It made an excellent sandwich. Mmmmm...chicken sandwich [drools]

Another thing that happened over the weekend was Fishpond. Yes, that's right, I got to have it twice this year. There was delicious food there, but somehow, I neglected to photograph any of it. In fact, the only picture I seem to have (there are others in other--unavailable places to me) is this one:
Which...kind of summed up the evening for me. While I did find some time to hang out with the rest of my family, most of my evening was devoted to following these guys (and another small child) around. We found and pet the cat. The little girl (Presley) talked quite enthusiastically about her for quite a while (as well as about my stars in my room and other topics I didn't quite catch). The little boy (Bridger) along with his cousin (Lincoln) were also quite entertaining to play with. (They're the children of my cousins). Also making an appearance that evening was my nephew Edj. I somehow failed to photograph him as well, but I promise, he was there. 
Anyway...on with the rest of the week.
Here are some snapchats:
And the cat. 
That's really all you need to see.
A few other random highlights of the week:
Saw this on Pinterest. Quite hilarious, if I say so myself.
Erika and I play a lot of electronic "With Friends" games. I'd have to say my favorite at the moment is Dice With Friends. Here is a game where I demolished her. I'd have to say I'm quite proud of my luck.

On Wednesday in University 1040 (I still have no idea what the purpose of that class is), we had a substitute: Professor Nickerson. While waiting for him to arrive, we decided to take a different approach on class that day (as he is quite different, some might say crazy). Here are some pics from four (okay, five) different angles:
 That was Nickerson's doings
 We had to thing of words to write
Lots of words
There's the man himself
And that's what we did before class. 
Here's the end result of the 50 minutes

Erika drew some lovely pictures on Thursday. She was even kind enough to include "reaction" shots.

And I worked on a very useful skill: learning to sign my name upside down. I'm sure someday that ability will come in handy.
So, before I leave you with some more Calculus professor quotations, I'd like to say one more thing:
In the words of Dr. Armstrong:
"I was playing for the nerdiest laugh ever, how did I do?"
"It's just a little problem with the most important theorem of all time."
"Today is the 15th...wait, is Halloween tomorrow?"
"This is other homework: what's the opposite of not?"
"You really have to convince yourself that you cannot do this integral, before you do this integral."
"And that's what I tell my kids; as soon as it gets hard, I just stop."
"If I cut my arm off...that'd be awesome."
"Isn't this already interesting? I mean, this is hella cool."
"There were two of us, and half the class was asleep at any given time."
"This is...something."
"If that confuses you, you might want to remind yourself of the definition of 'triple,' it's a thing."