Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Om nom nom. No bake cookies.
Yay for little sisters. :P


Once upon a time, I (well, my mom) straightened my hair for the beginning of school. :)
And I gave myself some fake bangs.
And I had some good fun.
And it looked pretty dang epic.
What a prep. :)
(On the second day of school)
It kind of looks like I have highlights, right? Haha. :)
(Seriously, what a prep. :P)


This is the song my little sister just got in her band class. looks boring, right?
Look at the title. Do you see it?
Yes, Veni.
That's my friend Beth's nickname.
It's amazing! :O
Happiness. :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I Love 1776

It's an amazing musical.
And it has fantastic quotes.

John Adams: Now you'll write it, Mr. J.
Thomas Jefferson: Who will make me, Mr. A?
John Adams: I.
Thomas Jefferson: You?
John Adams: Yes!
[Jefferson steps up, towering over Adams, and looks down at him]
Thomas Jefferson: How?
[tapping his chest with the quill pen]
John Adams: By physical force, if necessary.

Hancock: Well, Mr. Adams, you're chairman of the war committee. Do you feel up to whoring, drinking, deserting, and New Brunswick?
Rev. John Witherspoon: There must be some mistake, I have an aunt who lives in New Brunswick.
John Dickinson: You must tell her to keep up the good work.
John Adams: Wake up, Franklin, you're going to New Brunswick!
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: [Half asleep] Like hell I am. What for?
Hopkins: The whoring and the drinking!
[Franklin gets up and marches off right behind Adams]

[debating on America's national bird]
John Adams: The eagle.
Thomas Jefferson: The dove.
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: The turkey.
John Adams: The eagle.
Thomas Jefferson: The dove.
John Adams: The eagle!
Thomas Jefferson: [considers] The eagle.
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: The turkey.
John Adams: The eagle. The eagle is a majestic bird!
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: The eagle is a scavenger, a thief and coward. A symbol of over ten centuries of European mischief.
John Adams: And the turkey?
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: The turkey is a truly noble bird. Native american, a source of sustenance to our original settlers, and an incredibly brave fellow who wouldn't flinch from attacking a whole regiment of Englishmen single-handedly! Therefore, the national bird of America is going to be...
John Adams: The eagle.
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: The eagle!

[Dickinson wants "tyrant" removed from the Declaration]
Thomas Jefferson: Just a moment, Mr. Thomson. I do not consent. The king is a tyrant whether we say so or not. We might as well say so.
Charles Thomson: But I already scratched it out.
Thomas Jefferson: Then scratch it back in!
John Hancock: Put it back, Mr. Thomson. The King will remain a tyrant.

John Dickinson: Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Lee, Mr. Hopkins, Dr. Franklin, why have you joined this... incendiary little man, this BOSTON radical? This demagogue, this MADMAN?
John Adams: Are you calling me a madman, you, you... you FRIBBLE!
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Easy John.
John Adams: You cool, considerate men. You hang to the rear on every issue so that if we should go under, you'll still remain afloat!
John Dickinson: Are you calling me a coward?
John Adams: Yes... coward!
John Dickinson: Madman!
John Adams: Landlord!
John Dickinson: LAWYER!
[a brawl breaks out]

Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Please Mr. Dickinson, but must you start banging? How is a man to sleep?
[laughter from Congress]
John Dickinson: Forgive me, Dr. Franklin, but must YOU start speaking? How is a man to stay awake?
[More laughter]
John Dickinson: We'll promise to be quiet - I'm sure everyone prefers that you remained asleep.
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: If I'm to hear myself called an Englishman, sir, I assure you I prefer I'd remained asleep.
John Dickinson: What's so terrible about being called an Englishman? The English don't seem to mind.
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Nor would I, were I given the full rights of an Englishman. But to call me one without those rights is like calling an ox a bull. He's thankful for the honor, but he'd much rather have restored what's rightfully his.
John Dickinson: When did you first notice they were missing, sir?

John Adams: I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace; that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress! And by God, I have had this Congress! For ten years, King George and his Parliament have gulled, cullied, and diddled these colonies with their illegal taxes! Stamp Acts, Townshend Acts, Sugar Acts, Tea Acts! And when we dared stand up like men, they have stopped our trade, seized our ships, blockaded our ports, burned our towns, and spilled our BLOOD! And still, this Congress refuses to grant ANY of my proposals on independence, even so much as the courtesty of open debate! Good God, what in hell are you waiting for?

[as they stand on the sidewalk below Jefferson's apartment]
John Adams: This is positively indecent!
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Oh, John, they're young and they're in love.
John Adams: Not them, Franklin. Us! Standing out here, waiting for them to... I mean, what will people think?
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Don't worry, John. The history books will clean it up.
John Adams: It doesn't matter. I won't be in the history books anyway, only you. Franklin did this and Franklin did that and Franklin did some other damn thing. Franklin smote the ground and out sprang George Washington, fully grown and on his horse. Franklin then electrified him with his miraculous lightning rod and the three of them - Franklin, Washington, and the horse - conducted the entire revolution by themselves.
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: I like it.

Lewis Morris: [as John Hancock is about to swat a fly] Mr. Secretary, New York abstains, courteously.
[Hancock raises his fly swatter at Morris, then draws back]
John Hancock: Mr. Morris,
[pause, then shouts]
Lewis Morris: I'm sorry Mr. President, but the simple fact is that our legislature has never sent us explicit instructions on anything!
John Hancock: NEVER?
[slams fly swatter onto his desk]
John Hancock: That's impossible!
Lewis Morris: Mr. President, have you ever been present at a meeting of the New York legislature?
[Hancock shakes his head "No"]
Lewis Morris: They speak very fast and very loud, and nobody listens to anybody else, with the result that nothing ever gets done.
[turns to the Congress as he returns to his seat]
Lewis Morris: I beg the Congress's pardon.
John Hancock: [grimly] My sympathies, Mr. Morris.

[Adams has barged into Jefferson's room, accompanied by Franklin, to read the results of Jefferson's work on the Declaration of Independence]
John Adams: You've had a whole week, man. Is it done? Can I SEE IT?
[Jefferson indicates dozens of rejected drafts strewn crumpled about his floor]
John Adams: Do you mean to say that it is NOT YET FINISHED?
Thomas Jefferson: No sir. I mean to say that it is not yet begun.
John Adams: Good GOD! A whole week! The entire earth was created in a week!
[Jefferson turns to face him]
Thomas Jefferson: Someday, you must tell me how you did it.
John Adams: Disgusting.

John Adams: This is a revolution, dammit! We're going to have to offend SOMEbody!

John Adams: They won't be happy until they remove one of the F's from Jefferson's name!

Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Oh John, you can dance!
John Adams: We still do a few things in Boston, Franklin.

Yeah, it is that awesome. :D

Some Things About Radio

Today in Radio we were trained to work the station.
So we got to chill in the "real" Radio room for a while.
Here's our "mascot"
 And this is what the wall in the room looks like
 It's pretty dang epic. :D

Huzzah for KPGR!

Monday, August 29, 2011

You Learn New Words Everyday (#4)

Some of my more recent favorite words:




Lasciviousness (not because of what it means, but because of the way it sounds)


And...I guess that's it for now. ;)

How I Met Your Mother

The season premiere is on September 19.
I'm way super excited.
This show is pretty much one of the best things that's ever happened to me.
Like Barney:

Or their "Band"

And especially Robin Sparkles:

Here's a silly video I saw though:

Yeah, it's great. :D

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Today was Fantastic

I got my first good night's sleep since school started.
I mowed the lawn without dying of dry mouth.
I read a super awesome fantastic book I've been waiting for forever.
I wore my Pikachu shirt.
I watched the Robin Sparkles episode.
I ate fajitas.
I went to an epic birthday party for my friend Kilee Endicott.
I was recognized as the creator of M. Fredwin Freckle.
I watched a crazy movie called Rocketman.
It had some crazy awesome quotes. :D
And I basically had an epic sauce time.

Late At Night I Think About Things...

My life is not a romance novel. As you live your life, you start to realize that you don’t have the opportunity for any of the key plot lines. You don’t have a best friend who you will eventually realize you’re in love with, or they’ll realize they’re in love with you. Your friends don’t have cute older brothers that you can have verbal sparring matches with when you go to their houses (at least until you realize you’re perfect together). You don’t have a cute guy to be your enemy that you fight with at school until you realize that kissing him is so much more fun. You don’t even really have the best friend or friends that you can have a huge fight with but then reconcile and live happily ever after. You don’t even date, and yet you entertain the fantasy that someday, something like that can happen to you. That maybe, someday, the guy you like will actually like you back instead of how it always goes: he likes someone else. But you comfort yourself with the thought that someday, you will meet a nice guy who will want to date you. And until then, you fill your mind with the stories of fluffy romantic comedy writers; in books, in movies, on TV. But really? When you face the facts, what are the chances of anything remotely that romantic or cute ever actually happening to you? Someday, you will realize that your life isn’t fiction, that you might not live happily ever after, that you might not fall in love any time soon. But you can still hope, can’t you?

My Unfair Godmother

This book is one of my favorites.
Actually, I just read it.
But it's pretty dang epic.

And there are some way funny quotes, such as:

Page 267
"He likes you," I said in surprise. I had taken his friendliness toward me as proof that he recognized me, but perhaps he was just a happy baby.
Hudson shrugged and took Junior from me. "That's because I fed him. Babies are like stray cats that way.
"Babies are not like stray cats," I said.

Page 277
"And," Hudson went on, "this is our son, Stetson."
I didn't move toward the inn. "We should at least choose a name that works in the time period. Edward, or maybe Jacob..."
Hudson shook his head. "Women." To the baby, he said, "Don't worry, I won't let her name you after a vampire."

Yeah, Hudson's a stud.
Janette Rallison is the best.
Maybe you should read this book sometime... ;)

Friday, August 26, 2011

It's good to be back :)

I remember this class.
I kind of missed it over the summer.
The first half of last year, not the second.
Those were the days. :D's good to be back.
And the lame people are gone.
So huzzah!
(^ Look at those studly trumpets up there ^)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


You know you love it.
Even if you've never heard it.
Or if you don't know what it is. (It's PG's radio station)
It's kind of super epic.
And I get to be on it this year. :D

Today we were put in families.
Families of Radio DJ's.
I'm in the Burgundy family.
Yeah, like Ron Burgundy
From Anchorman.
This year's gonna be good.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today was crazy:
I was late to my first class of the year.
I drove to school for the first time (hence the lateness, as I parked way back in the parking lot).
I went Physics where I was the only girl (aside from a German foreign exchange student).
I didn't read all day.
I actually worked on homework on the first day of school (and got 3 assignments).
I got put in a lame seat in math.
I survived my first day of school while being sick.

Huzzah for Evil!

Monday, August 22, 2011

One Day More

It's kind of exciting,
School starting tomorrow and all.
It means summer is ending though.
Which means no more late night fests for me.

I am looking forward to seeing people again.
And I have more classes with people I know this year.
If I weren't sick I'd be super extra excited.
But I am I'm only somewhat excited.

So hopefully I'll be okay tomorrow. :D

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I really do have rotten luck...

I've been thinking about sickness,
Seeing as I'm SICK RIGHT NOW.

So yeah, I've been thinking about the last time I was sick.
Because it was the week of AP testing.
Yeah, I was sick when I took my AP test. D:
(But I still passed.)

And the time before that...
The end of Christmas break last year.
And before that:
The beginning of that Christmas break.
(Yeah, I was sick on either end of Christmas)

The time I remember before that was on my birthday
(At the end of 8th grade).
That was a huge bummer.
I had to postpone my birthday party.
And I was on the couch all weak all day.
That was lame. :C

And the time I remember before that was in 6th grade.
(I'm sure there were times between, but that was the worst.)
Because my parents were in Europe.
And I had to stay home alone.
And all I ate was golfish and twinpops.
And I was hallucinating.
I thought my hands were boxes or something.
It was messed up.

So, that's my experience with sickness.
It's been kind of awful.
I hate my luck.
But hopefully I'll be okay for Tuesday...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Our Trip to Trafalga...

Last week (at least I think it was last week)
I went to Trafalga with my friend Beth...
 My brother, and his "friend" Kate.
 We drew on our pizza box.
It was a nondescript, white box
So we decided there were explosives in there.
And then Kate drew "us"
 Beth and I had fun chillaxing
 And we saw a, get this:
Fat Dog! Haha. :D
 And Beth drew the duo at Trafalga.
And I got a moustache as a prize. :D 
Also, I got stuck on the Go-Karts.
We Mini-Golfed
I "didn't" go into the forbidden water
(Just my arm)
We rode the Carousel.
And did mini bowling.
It was great. :D

Thursday, August 18, 2011

This Week

I've had a pretty excellent week.

I went to Brick Oven on Monday.
I love that place, and free rootbeer. :D

On Tuesday, I chilled out at home (alone),
Watched some movies and had great fun.

Yesterday I vacuumed out my car.
(Yeah, it's all mine now.)
Then I went to Chuck E Cheese's for some great fun. :)
It was our KPGR social thing.
It really took me back to my childhood.
Ha, I miss those days.

Today I made almost $30.
And then I finally finished season 4 Psych!
...Which means I now need Season 5.

Finally, tomorrow is my good friend Heather's birthday.
She's turning 17.
That party's gonna be excellent.

And, of course, it's the last week before school starts.'s for a good sendoff of the summer.
Night y'all!

Friday, August 12, 2011

This Last Weekend...

I got my fish a Plant.
My cat mooched my fish-water.
My Cousins Came
They watched some Jackie Chan Adventures with my brother.
I saw this crazy cat that looked silly :)
And I chilled with my cat and brother in my room's been a while

Since I last posted.
I've kind of been wrapped up in some other stuff I guess.'s THE 12TH!
Which means that there are only
Sounds scary.

It also means'll probably be less and less often that I can post.
And that my life is about to get crazy.
Three AP classes = lots of work.
Wish me luck! :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

It's August!

That means:
  • I start school in 23 days.
  • My life is about to get crazy.
  • I'll get to chill with my friends every day soon.
  • I'm running out of free time.
  • I really need to make some money.
  • Hopefully it will start to get cooler now. :D
It's gonna be a crazy month.