Tuesday, July 31, 2012


"I need to start eating healthier, but first I need to eat all the junk food in the house so it's not there to tempt me anymore."

Monday, July 30, 2012


"I try to take life one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once."

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I'm Running Out of Titles :)

"The human brain is a wonderful thing. It starts working the moment you are born, and never stops until you stand up to speak in public." -George Jessel

Saturday, July 28, 2012


"Follow your dreams. Except the one where you're at school in your underwear."

Friday, July 27, 2012


"So when's the wizard going to get back to you about that brain?"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Crazy Week

This week has been...let's just say, interesting.
On Monday, of course, I awoke after about 2 1/2 hours of sleep in a boiling house.
Then I went home.
I ate some food, went to the gym, and watched some Drop Dead Diva.
And that afternoon/evening, I hung out with Beth for the first time in forever.
We watched The Muppet Movie, played on my phone, and ate some delicious slush.
Oh, also, we made this:
Tuesday I woke up at seven fifteen to go put up flags. Oh joy.
Although, I had some delicious raspberry muffins. Om nom nom. And...I guess, I only put a couple up.
But still...
After that, I ate some french toast and then went golfing.
It was HOT. So of course, afterwards we went to Coldstone's. It was delicious.
I was pretty tired at that point, so I watched some more Drop Dead Diva.
At 6:30 I went to a barbecue at my brother and sister-in-law's house.
I ate hot dogs, drank homemade rootbeer, and ate delicious cookies.
I watched Drop Dead Diva (see the pattern forming?).
Wednesday morning was spent at the Fox Hollow golf course.
I awoke at 6:15 a.m. (so early) and was there by exactly 7.
My little sister was there too, which was kind of cool. And she had some great shots.
In the afternoon, I went to Barnes and Noble, for the first time in a month.
It was a really fun night, and when I got home I watched Drop Dead Diva.
Today I slept in until eleven. I watched Dark Knight Rises with Merkley and Josh at noon.
It's a disturbing movie, but still fun. I had a good time.
The evening was wrapped up with a short trip to our stake youth barbecue, for cheetos and watermelon.
Tomorrow I'll go to our family reunion where I'll remain until Sunday.
Wish me luck. ;)

Some Advice,

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it daily."
-Zig Ziglar

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


"Ninety-nine percent of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at."

Monday, July 23, 2012

Book Quote

"A home without books is a body without a soul."
-Marcus Tullius Cicero

Why is it that...

My two most awful (aka, lacking the most sleep) nights of sleep I can remember in the last year or so, are both at my brother's house? And that includes girls camp. At least there when I got no sleep one night it was intentional. Last night was horrible. I was sweating rivers, as my brother's house was about 83 degrees all night. Also, there were mosquitoes, which means I'm sporting about four new mosquito bites. And the water here tastes quite strange, so I've been thirsty since about midnight last night. Throw in some world class tossing-and-turning, not falling asleep until at least three thirty or four in the morning and then waking up at about six thirty for another twenty minutes or so of tossing-and-turning, and you've got my night. Oh, and I'm on a weird uncomfortable air mattress with a strange, smelly, sticky-feeling blanket on top of it, with a fly buzzing all around my head. Add it all up and I'm living my own personal type of hell. This is bad. The next time I'm thinking of sleeping over here, someone please talk ke out of it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Like This Show

This new show I've been watching, Drop Dead Diva, it's great. This model dies, but is returned to heaven in the body of an overweight lawyer. So, she deals with her life, and I enjoy watching it. Especially because of her guardian angel, Fred. He's my favorite. :) Anyway, in this episode I watched today, they quoted Shakespeare. And I actually saw this quotation at the Shakespeare festival in Cedar City. So, here you go, for the quote of the day:
"First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
-King Henry VI

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Golf Quote

This one time, on the way back from a golf tournament...Kirsten was feeling a bit loopy. It was avutally quite amusing. Anyway, it was quite amusing when she sneezed and said:
"Wanna see my sneeze residue?"
-Kirsten Marquis

Friday, July 20, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012


"There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne."
I will see that movie, eventually. I'm not sure when yet, but it'll be epic. :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bumper Sticker

Here's another bumper sticker quote from A Girl Named Digit

"When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Freaking Out Now

Oh, My Gosh!

I am soooooo happy right now!! :D
I just got back from the best musical ever!
Les Miserables!

It was soooooo great. The actors' voices were strong, and the flow was fantastic.
Although...when Pleasant Grove performed it, Javert's suicide was more dramatic.
But it was still incredible and so much fun to watch!
This was my fifth time seeing the play, which was wonderful.
One of my favorite things was the live guitar during Drink With Me.
So cool.

It's been a fantastic night!

A Girl Named Digit

Well, recently I read this book called A Girl Named Digit. It was really funny, and every chapter began with a bumper sticker phrase. So the next few quotes will be some of those. Today's is:
"Don't call me infantile you stinkybutt poophead."
So there you go.

One of My Most Favoritest People...

This is Beth. Basically, she one of the most awesome people in the entire world. She's smart, funny, and she plays the flute like a pro. She goes to Timpanogos High School, so I don't get to see her a lot, but she's still FLIPPIN' EPIC. She liked to make delicious food like cake balls, potatoes, and bacon-based deliciousness. She knows all sorts of crazy random plays and musicals. She's one of my best friends.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Theater :)

We just got back from our first play in Cedar City.
Oh yes, it was funny. ;)
We watched The Merry Wives of Windsor.
Basically, everyone is messing with this one fat guy who's full of himself.
And there's a forbidden romance between the daughter of one family and another young man.
While her father is backing one suitor, and her mother another.
Oh, what good fun.
So...I liked it. Not as much as I will Les Miserables!
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow! :D


Tonight were going to seenour first play at the Shakespeare festival. We'll actually be leaving soon. We're seeing The Merry Wives of Windsor. So, I'm pretty excited. :D Anyway, that's about it. Yay for plays!! :)


"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia."
-Charles Schulz

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Surprise...

Oh yes, dear readers.
Tonight, on an impulse, I changed something.
Something, that can only be described with pictures.
A picture is worth a thousand words, you know.
So enjoy, my enormous change that shan't be on Facebook.
You will be the only ones to know.
(Other than the people I actually see in real life)
Without further ado, a change...

And After (With my awesome new hat)

I Want to Live By This

"There are no limits to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else."

Saturday, July 14, 2012

That's the Gospel Truth

"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."
-Brian Gerald O'Driscoll


We just got back from shopping at the outlet mall a little while ago.
It was good.
I got a lot of cool new stuff, so I'm excited for all that. :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

What Happens in Vegas...

We made it. I am right now, blogging to you from the couch in my aunt and uncle's hours in Las Vegas, Nevada, how exciting. Tomorrow we're hitting the outlet malls and swap meets. Soon I will be slightly poorer and in possession of some exciting new things. Anyway, that's about it. The six plus hours of driving were worth it...I think. Goodnight! (In a few more hours)

So Me

Here's your daily dose of quote-tactic action:
"I didn't fall, the floor just needed a hug."
Well, except for the hug. But still... ;)

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I'm actually posting this on the 13th, but it's for the 12th. So...here you go anyway, with the time-mark of the 12th.
"Cleaning is just putting stuff in less obvious places."


I woke up yesterday morning at 7:15 after about 5 hours of sleep.
Great start. :P
I went to Fox Hollow golf course for my first golf-experience of the summer.
I hit some good balls! :D Even though it was extremely hot...
Although now I'm extra sore.

After that, I played Final Fantasy for a while and then read until 4,
When I went to go boating for Young Women's.
It was a pretty good evening.
I rode on a tube twice.
I ate some delicious fruit and whatnot.

Anway, it was a good day.

Also...I am really excited for our trip this weekend.
First, Las Vegas. For cheap shopping and cousins-visiting.
Then, Ceadar City. For play watching and Les Miserables enthusing.
I can't wait!! We leave tomorrow. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Piece of Advice

"The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in the dark."
Just to let you know...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dear Edward Cullen,

You stay young forever and sneak into the rooms of young girls? How original. Sincerely, Peter Pan Hahaha, good quote. Compliments of my awesome secret sister at camp. :D

Monday, July 9, 2012

Words from a Butler

As Alfred says to Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins,
"What is the point of all those push-ups if you can't even lift a bloody log?"

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012


AP test scores are in.
Drumroll please................................

Well, I would have a picture of the score report, bit I'm kind of feeling lazy.
Plus, that's a little harder to do on an iPad.
So, I'll just tell you.

AP US History:

Which is good enough for me, and totally expected.

BC Calculus:


This makes 3 AP tests I've passed so far.
Yay for cheap college credit! :D

Quote Lovin'

Here's your second official Quote of the Day (the previous one having been meant for the 6th of July...I was a little late posting it, but I was still thinking in that time frame. I mean, new days don't start until after sleep ;D)
Anyway, it comes from a book called Love and Peaches by Jodi Lynn Anderson.
I burst out laughing when I read it.

"I think miniature ponies only think about rainbows." -Murphy

Quote of the Day

I've beent thinking about quotes recently.
I really like them. Mostly the funny ones.
I have a lot of them, so now I will share them.
Hopefully one a day, unless I get busy.
We'll see how this goes...
Here's one to start off with:
The Bermudez Triangle is...

Nina Bermudez, who TiVos every episode of Trading Spaces, because watching people rip down bad decorations soothes her.

Avery Dekker, who worships Jack Black but has learned to play Billy Joel's "Piano Man" by heart just so she can hate it in detail.

Melanie Forrest (a.k.a. Mel), who inspires guys to develop instantaneous, epic crushes--the kind that cause them to want to iron their clothes and listen to the lyrics of slow songs.

(This comes from a book called The Bermudez Triangle. Not a book that interests me into reading it, but one that had a really awesome description that almost made me want to read it.)


So I guess it's been a while since I last posted.
Like, 2 1/2 weeks.

Not a ton of stuff has happened in that time, I think.
I went to girls' camp.
That was kind of fun, aside from the smelliness, the heat, and the general discomfort.
Oh, also the dirtiness.
Also, I've read quite a bit.
Mmmmm...books. :D
I haven't really driven a lot though.
That's been nice.
I've played a lot of Mario.
I like Mario. :) Especially when I can save-and-load and make it nearly impossible to fail.
Huzzah for being bad at computer games! :D

You know what I realized, though?
My school schedule next year is kind of perfect for golf season.
I have Yearbook A4 (a.k.a. Carter's class, so that wouldn't matter to miss),
Seminary B4 (Which is sad to miss, but not bad home/classwork-wise),
Radio B3 (Which will never be much of a problem to miss),
And...English A3, which will/would be kind of bad to miss, but not the worst.
At least I have people I know in that class, so if I missed stuff for it, I could know what that stuff was.
Anyway, that kind of made me happy. :D

Oh yeah, so...my little sister is taking care of my cousin's hedgehog.
It's really loud, especially at night.
Also, not really that exciting of a pet, but whatever.

Well, I'm gonna go eat a BLT.
Mmmmm...midnight snack. Om nom nom. (Or, you know, 2 in the morning snack)

Farewell, dear friends.
Hopefully it won't be 2 1/2 more weeks until I blog again.