Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Look To the Right

It might not look like much. But look longer. Really look, especially at the tree bases.
Weird, huh?

Monday, February 18, 2013


I watched Pride and Prejudice with my mom, sister and some neighbors.
It was pretty wonderful.
You know, the 5-hour-long BBC version? With Colin Firth.

It's pretty great. 
I think I like the newer version a little bit better, but only because Matthew Macfayden is awesome :)

Look at these smiles:

The end.

I Want To See This

So much.
It looks amazing and hilarious :)
I will probably end up going at some point, whether alone or with my awesome/crazy neighbor.
Yay for Zombie love! :D

Sunday, February 10, 2013's been a while

Like, 12 days or something.

I don't really have much to say. I just felt like I should write something.
This computer is sitting on my legs/between them which isn't very comfortable.
Cuz it's hot & indenting into my legs.

Yesterday I was going to go take a practice AP English test.
Then I decided to go back to sleep, so...I guess I"ll be doing that tomorrow.
12 hours of sleep yesterday. One of the best nights of my life.

Anywhoo...I should probably go work on English/Gov & Cit homework.

Peace out :)