Thursday, August 8, 2013

Free Money

I love getting amazon gift cards for free. It's kind of amazing.
So...maybe I spend too much time online, but I also read a lot of books while I'm doing it.
And then I get free money. So...I'm cool with it :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

We're All Aunt-y sister-in-law had her baby yesterday. It's a boy. They named him Emmett Douglas Johnson, but...I still think Emmett is a strange name, so because of his initials: EDJ, I've decided to call him Edge. (It also might be a little because that's a character from Final Fantasy and someday when they have a little girl, she shall be named Rydia, also from Final Fantasy. And then they shall be a Final Fantasy Family). Anywho, we visited them this evening. Here are some pictures: