Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Things I Enjoy Amorously

I love Goodreads.
I love not doing anything all day except reading.
I love writing, when I can thing of things to write.
I love learning new, cool, long words.
I love chillin' with my friends.
I love meeting new interesting people.
I love trying to play the guitar.
I love joking around in English class.
I love petting my cat (when I'm not trying to read).
I love dressing up crazily.
I love doing math. ;)
I love Thin Mints, but I like Mint Oreos better.
I love checking my email and finding twelve from the same person.
I love writing long lists of odd things.
I love finding a new book, reading it, and loving it.

I love being in Radio.
I love listening to a new song I've found.
I love finishing something, and the satisfaction that comes with it.
I love being me.

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