Friday, April 15, 2011

Tangled Words of Wisdom

Due to the epicness of the movie Tangled,
I've decided to put all my quotes up.
Yay for epic movies!! :)

So here you go:

I could get used to this.
Yeah, I’m used to it.
Guys, I want a castle.

Mother Gothel:
I see a strong, young, confident woman.
Oh look, you’re there too.

This is very, very bad.
They just can’t get my nose right!

I’ve got a person in my closet!

Mother Gothel: I bet my surprise is bigger.
Rapunzel: I seriously Doubt it.

I know not who you are,
nor how I came to find you,
but may I just say...Hi.
How you doin'? The name's Flynn Rider.

The kingdom and I aren’t exactly ‘simpatico’ at the moment.

Rapunzel: Something brought you here, Flynn Rider.”
“Fate, destiny—”

Flynn: “A horse?

Here comes the smolder.

You broke my smolder!

I can’t help but see you seem…a little at war with yourself.”

Here's a video. :)

Stay back, it can probably smell fear.

Because to me, that's part man-smell,
and the other part is really bad man-smell.
I don't know why,
but overall it just smells like the color brown.
Your thoughts?

"I had a dream…once."

And here's a video. :)

"Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns."

"Go, live your dream."
Flynn: "I will."
"Your dream stinks, I was talking to her."

And a video. :)

“Somebody get me a glass, because I just found a tall drink of water.”

You should know that this is one of the
strangest things I’ve ever done.

Eugene. My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert.

I have magic hair that glows when I sing!

Flynn: Why’s he smiling at me?

So, you’re being cryptic as you wrap your
magic hair around my injured hand.

Flynn: No really, thank you.
I feel like this whole time we’ve just been misunderstanding
each other and…no, you’re right, we should just get going.

Did I ever tell you I’ve got a thing for brunettes?

Flynn: After years and years of asking,
I finally said yes.

Rapunzel: Eugene.
Flynn: Okay, I asked her.

And a moment for the silent characters:

Pascale. :)


And a tribute to the hair:

Yay! :D

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