Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yesterday was my birthday.
I turned 16.
It was quite exciting (as it was also yearbook day).
And I wore my epic purple hat. :)
At school (in our rather sparse assembly) with the peeps.
I got a text from Heather in the afternoon to go to her house.
Where I was surprised with a party.
And a cup of happy birthday hot chocolate. :)
And the candle kind of got tipped in the cup.
So...I didn't really drink it.
But it's the thought that counts. :D
I chilled with Beth(!), Taryn, and Franklin.
Will was there too. :)
Jake kind of killed his popsicle.
(His tongue got stuck to it)
And I got to pet Heather's cat (Mortimer)
We looked at yearbooks
And enjoyed Jon's hilarious presence
And then we went to go get scones
Yum. Scones. :)

After our scones trip, we went to jake's house.
And we met his dogs/puppies. :D
The puppies were dang cute.
There were three.

The brown and white one:

The cream-ish colored one:

And the dark one:

They were so. Dang. Cute.
Huzzah for puppies!

And after visiting the puppies for quite a while,
We went back to Heather's.
Everyone was pretty sleepy.
Especially Heather.
So then we left.
It was a good night. :)

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