Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I'm finished with my junior year. And I'm finished with band. Hurray! I never have to perform in some dumb concert or anything ever again. That is all.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Birthday of a Fish

Steve is now 365 Days old. I've had him for an entire excruciating year. Dang seminary. :P

Saturday, May 26, 2012


They're kind of great, y'know? I got mine tonight. And then I spent a half an hour or something writing in Merkley's. I'm still not done yet. But it's gonna be epic. :D

Friday, May 25, 2012

Two Truths and a Lie

I was thinking the other night,
About the game two truths and a lie.

I'd have to say that if I played that game sometime in the near future, these would be my things:

  • I was baptized when I was seven.
  • I've had 3 brothers graduate and never been to a graduation.
  • The scariest movie I've ever seen is The Mummy.
So, my two truths would be the first and the third.
And...the second would be my lie.
Unless I played it sometime before Tuesday.
Because then it would be true.
(Stupid band...)

The Last Day

How great is it to end your school year with a class like radio?
I'll tell you, it's pretty great. :)
You don't have to stress or anything like that.
And...you get some delicious candy.
You have some laughs, and then watch Ghost Busters.
The end. :D

Monday, May 21, 2012

Golf, Summer Time, and 100%

Today was our golf banquet. Just barely, actually. It was good. Carter made some more good food. :) So...golf season is officially over. Crazy!! Also, summer is approaching. I can't wait to be able to sleep in every day! Huzzah! :D No more school, assignments, and I actually might hang out with my friends. Soon. My birthday is in 10 days. It's gonna be epic! I'm turning 8. ;) And finally, the 100% No, it's not the score I think I got on the AP test or anything like that. But it is the score I got on my English CRT. Because I somehow managed to not mess anything up on that test. It's kind of cool... Even if that test is kind of a joke. Anyway...that's about it for now. Bye. :D

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Thursday was the band concert.
But we survived, so...that's okay I guess.
 The trombones tried to create a double piggy back ride
 I wore my blue shoes again. (Like I did at state)
 Merkley gazed adoringly at Kirsten
 Haha, that was funny. ;)
So...it was a good evening...before the concert. :P
And it was my last!! 
I never have to play again!! (Other than graduation, but...I'll survive)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wednesday--A Day of Golf

Carter made us apple pie.
Delicious apple pie...
Rachel made a circle of colors
I got put in charge of the library
(For a few minutes, but still)
 There was a hole in the wall at the golf club house
It looked like a door knob :)
 We watched everyone tee off (That's Kirsten in the plaid shorts)
And apparently people can't spell the world Pleasant.

So....it was a good day.
We got 13th out of 24, so that was exciting.
We didn't get back until about 10:30 pm
But...that was okay.

A Quote

Some people say, “Never let them see you cry.” I say, if you’re so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.
— Tina Fey


Tuesday was National Weirdness Day.
I kind of felt as if I had run out of all weird things.
So...I wore the thing that was weirdest for me.
A dress.
 And then I rocked my sunglasses in the car. ;)
 During History we went to the cemetery. 
We were looking for war veterans, but we found some other cool stuff too.
This one reminded me of Jon LeBaron:
 I was just waiting for a Harry, or Ginny, or Lily, or James. :)
 I created a heart on my calculator
(Actually, I just found the equation online, it's pretty complicated)
 And in English...I didn't have English.
My teacher didn't show up, and we had no sub.
So...some of us went to the office to ask about it.
And the lady gave us Snickers.
And then we went and read outside. :D
This is what it said inside:
Tuesday was a good day.
The end.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Some Things Recently...

This was on the board in the math room.
Ah, nerdiness. 
 This was at Barnes and Noble. Haha, silly Stephen Colbert. :)
 This is my little sister's geometry text book. 
The last one is her...the second to last one is me. :D
And...this shows our nerdiness.
Because we figured out the extra credit problem on her homework.
With a chart.
It was quite thrilling, really. :D

Saturday, May 12, 2012


This week I've been driving people around a lot. I kind of feel like a chauffeur for all the people I know. On Monday I drove Josh home from our math review. On Tuesday I had to go rescue my mom after school because she was stranded in Orem with a flay tire on her bike. On Wednesday I drove Merkley home after our BC Calculus AP test. Yesterday I drove Merkley home again after the AP History test. (I think I really know how to get to his house now ;D) And I took my little sister some shorts and shoes after school, and later picked her up. At about 6:30 I had to rescue my father who thought it was a good idea to go running for almost three and a half hours with not much food in him. And then I took my little sister to a party. And today I drove her to school for a ballroom thing. So...it's kind of like I'm a servant... :P But HUZZAH! I'm done with both my AP tests now. :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

AP Calculus

Sooo...I'm unofficially done with calculus. Today, I took the BC Calculus test. It was...easier than I thought it might be. I actually had a little fun. Yay for Calculus! :D

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"If only we were all wiener dogs, all our problems would be solved"

Today was prom...which I didn't go to, obviously. Instead I went to see The Avengers with my family. That has to be one of the best movies ever created. It was amazing and now I can't wait to see it again!! It was funny, action-packed, and full of big names. You gotta love Tony Stark though. After the movie, I played a little Scrabble with my brother and sister-in-law. I found the word Satan. I was pretty proud of that. :) My friend Beth came over a little before eight. She's so awesome and it was FANTASTIC to see her. We ate ice cream and mint Oreos and watched The Brave Little Toaster. I swear, that movie has to be one of the most ridiculous and odd I have ever seen. But it's still hilarious to watch. One of my favorite quotes (and most of the best) is by the radio. John Lovitz is a comedy genius.
He says, "We're like Also, we came up with some lessons that can be learned from the movie.

And the moral of the story is...

  • They all want the worm, but only the hawk can have the fish.
  • You'll always be unhappy in love...especially if you're a flower...and you love a toaster.
  • You should take everything you've ever owned with you to college, because appliances have feelings too.
  • At night your toaster has nightmares about evil firefighter clowns.
The end. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Oh hey, by the way...

Band got a 2+ at state festival. I didn't really care, because the highlight of that day was seeing Aaron Nelson. I love that kid. :) Also...girls' golf is going to state! Yay! :D


That is the number of days until the calculus test. Oh. My. Gosh.

Friday, May 4, 2012

AP Life

School is almost over.
Also...there are only a few more days until my AP tests.
I'm so excited to be done!! Huzzah :D