Saturday, May 12, 2012


This week I've been driving people around a lot. I kind of feel like a chauffeur for all the people I know. On Monday I drove Josh home from our math review. On Tuesday I had to go rescue my mom after school because she was stranded in Orem with a flay tire on her bike. On Wednesday I drove Merkley home after our BC Calculus AP test. Yesterday I drove Merkley home again after the AP History test. (I think I really know how to get to his house now ;D) And I took my little sister some shorts and shoes after school, and later picked her up. At about 6:30 I had to rescue my father who thought it was a good idea to go running for almost three and a half hours with not much food in him. And then I took my little sister to a party. And today I drove her to school for a ballroom thing.'s kind of like I'm a servant... :P But HUZZAH! I'm done with both my AP tests now. :)

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