Saturday, October 5, 2013

Those Lazy College Weeks

Here's the second installment in what I hope will be a weekly "feature" called "These are the pictures I've taken this week that can explain what I've been up to..."
So here goes.

First, here's the food-related pictures:
 We used my blender for the first time. That was exciting :)
 I made delicious potatoes. Mmmmm...potatoes
 My low-fat apple crisp (I may have put 2/3 a stick of butter instead of 2/3 of a cup...)
 Free sandwiches outside the institute building. I might have had two.
The olives were very expressive, and alien-like.
Do you think I made too much? Maybe...

Snapchat is fun, don't you think?
Here are some of my MANY snapchats from this past week:
 From Erika
To Erika
 Imma eat you!
 To my good friend Rachel
We brush our teeth together. We're just like that...
And sometimes I'm not allowed to see.
Some more stuff:
 I play Yahtzee late at night against a computer
 I draw beautiful pictures
Especially of my roommate, Erika.
She draws beautiful pictures as well.
Here are some things you should know:
 1. College students are totally pro at jaywalking.
2. This dude plays the bongos...all the time. 
3. Bekah taught about the divided line. Look at all that beautiful...complex writing.
4. My Calculus III professor, Professor Armstrong, is kind of awesome :)
Here are some words of wisdom from him: 
  • "We don't like pointy circles."
  • "You could not swing a dead cat in here without hitting a bunch of vectors."
  • "What comes before 'h' in the alphabet?"
  • "Somebody probably just died because I wrote that..."
  • "If you use the word orthogonal this weekend at the party , there will be love."
  • "If you're an engineer, you don't think this is a real number until you plug it into your calculator."
  • "And, in fact, if you mock me, I'll give you extra credit."
  • "Make up some triangles. Have some fun. Math is all about fun..."
  • "You must have kids like I do...or be kids like I have..."
  • "Say 'r' for wrench."
  • "I know I'm a flaming nerd. It's alright."
  • "You use a parameter. Hence the name paranormal...parametric."
  • "Someone double dog dared me, or called me a dirty dog."
  • "Kramar has made me who I am today. That's totally true considering Seinfeld."
  • "Books have to have magical answers so students are well equipped when they go out in the world." 
  • "P-not on the plane. Sounds almost like a commandment."
  • "Have a great weekend, which means full of math."
  • "Has anyone ever driven a horse? I have, three times. And by induction, never will again."
  • "Boy, if you use these words at your party on Friday there will be so much love."
  • "Wait, I'm a middle aged man. I know how to do anything."
  • "I had the impression this was an intelligent class..."
  • "It's kind of oscillating mixed with masculine,'s manly oscillation."
  • "I use hand parentheses instead of air quotes."
  • "Email is, remember, texting on a computer." 
  • "In case what I'm drawing here isn't recognizable as a picture, I've labeled it picture."
  • "That is an interesting problem, I'm surprised I assigned it."
  • "For it to be writable. It's a new's a thing."
  • "Infinity is, like, way bigger than 2." 
  • "It could mean, unlimited ice cream cone. Oooh...unlimited ice cream."
  • "I wouldn't use this if I were sending a spaceship to Saturn, but if I were sending one to Parowan it would be close enough."
  • "There's gotta be something I wanted to say here because i put 'note.'"
And here's one from my Linear Algebra professor, Dr. Turner:
  • "Notice 'Lil is female. She's extra confusing." 
Enjoy your week y'all, with these people in my life, I know I will be. :D

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