Monday, May 9, 2011

Ahh, More 8th Grade Memories

Here is a poem my friend and I wrote in 8th grade.
We were...bored.

Ode to Schwa

O Schwa, what art thou?

A letter of the alphabet,

A tiny little actorlet,

Or just one word: wow.

Hair that's brown with a touch of sun,

Aha! We've only just begun.

A glint of ocean in your eyes,

We see greatness despite your size.

An average sevie, you are not

Amazing skills, you have a lot;

Working a spotlight twice your size

You sing one good "Why Me" reprise.

The pack on thy back is gray, white, and black

And you don't really mind a hug attack.

Your brilliance proves you are well educated,

And you definitely aren’t overrated…

You are ever so good at drama-

More intense than a domestic llama.

And since we don’t speak Ralik or Illyrian,

We will now slip into Old Shakespearean…

Shall I compare thee to a triangular hypotenuse? Nay!

For such thing beith the longest of its kind, whereas thee beith the shortest.

And shall I end with ‘Farewell?’ Nay! For to end in such a way is ridiculous,

But to end with discombobulation is to ponder upon.

Being said, I end with two words:


Exit stage right and don’t forget to breathe,

~Unknown & Anonymous,

With some help from Unidentified, Nameless and Faceless.


Though to pester and tease thee is thrilling,

To leave thee alone we are willing.

Forgive us that we’ve caused such humiliation,

Please don’t give this letter a misinterpretation.

The end. :)

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