Monday, May 9, 2011

While We're Posting Poems...

This is a poem I wrote this year.
Well...actually last year.
As in October.
This school year, last calendar year. :)
And I'm rambling. :P

Here you go:

While You Were Away
A Poem Inspired by Chemistry…Class
By: Cassie Johnson

While you were away,
Clark lost his pants, Sabrina lost hers too.
Beth had a “crush” and Cassie disapproved.
While you were away.

While you were away,
We got new nicknames too;
Beth is now called Veni, Cassie’s now a Scrooge.
While you were away.

While you were away,
Maddie really bloomed.
Sassy flowers, as you may know, are sometimes rather rude.
While you were away.

While you were away,
We learned in Algebra 2.
Talking all the time, as we learned just what to do.
While you were away.

While you were away,
We decided Josh should be Peter.
And Aaron roasted some spam over Miss Ugaki’s heater.
While you were away.

But most importantly,
Each and every day,
We all missed you so very much,
While you were away.

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