Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy July Everyone...

So it's officially July.
Yay! (Kind of)
This shall be an exciting month.
Some exciting things that are happening this month:

Firstly, my very awesomest friend
Beth Foley is turning 16 on the 17th.

Secondly, my awesomely awesome guy friend,
Jon LeBaron is also turning 16...on the 17th

And my crazy awesome friend
whom I've known since we were both basically babies,
Rachel Davis is also turning 16...on the 17th!

Yeah, that's right, I know three (actually four, but three good friends)
people, all the same age, turning 16 on the same day. Huzzah! :D

And on the 21st, an awesome seqel comes out. Uncommon Criminals!
The sequel to Heist Society, by Ally Carter. Yay! :)

Also happening in July, things that have to happen, but I kind of wish didn't:

The 4th Celebration-where many of my insane relatives will
come to my house and be loud and somewhat annoying.
Fortunately my grandfather brings delicious homemade rootbeer.

Girls Camp-July 28-30

And it'll keep getting hotter and hotter. :C

And other things...which I'm sure I'm forgetting.

Should be an interesting month...

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