Sunday, July 17, 2011


Today is a momentous occasion.
Today is the day that my best friend, Beth Foley turns 16.
It's quite exciting.
She really is an amazing person.

We like to draw with chalk :)
(That's a T exploding with pink and yellow streams of lava)

We play at parks
(We really are quite immature)

We chill at Heather's house.
She makes funny faces in pictures :)
She looks ravishing
She draws fruit in my yearbook
(And other exciting things)
She gets bored sometimes...
We chill a lot in grass
(Last year I missed her birthday party at Sami's, but I heard it was epic)
She's deserving of a duck cake.

She plays a wicked flute solo
(Don't we look lovely?)

She pulls off a mean mustache.
We dress up epically in neon clothes :D
We randomly dance!
She did Science Demo
(She was the curtain mistress)
She has great dexterity and balance
She looks awesome in my hat
And she was a stage manager for two plays :)

She's pretty much one of the coolest people I've ever met.
Love you Beth!!
Happy Birthday Beth!

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