Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Some things I know now:

  • Car accidents are kind of scary, but you can survive...usually.
  • Rope comes in handy, you should keep some on you at all times.
  • The integral of (sinx)^2 is apparently 1/2(x-sinxcosx). I know that now. :)
  • A lot of people like The Hunger Games, but I've never read them and have no plans to.
Some things I hope to know soon:
  • My score on the ACT we took at the beginning of the month. It's killing me!
  • How I did on my chapter 8 BC Calc test.
  • When I'll get my car back.
  • Who will be Pleasant Grove High's next Student Body President?
  • Can I survive 18 holes of golf? (Not so much soon as just at some point in the next month)
Here are some pictures of my car:

Alas, I have no car today. :C

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