Saturday, March 31, 2012

Remember how...

Remember how I got in my first accident on Tuesday? car is kind of seriously damaged.
As in, maybe totaled.
Which sucks, because now I have no car and too many places to go.
Like golf.
And school.
And the library.
And early morning band festival.
And Barnes and Noble.
Not cool. :(

Remember how I got a Nook?
Well...the power cord kind of died.
And with no way to charge it, the Nook died as well.
So I have no Nook at the moment either. :c

But, remember how I took the ACT?
Well...I got a 32 again.
All my scores went down by 2 (Science and English) or 3 (Reading) except Math, which went up by 5.
Do you think this shows something about my English education this year?

Sadly, I still don't know my score on my Calculus test. I want all this insanity to go away.
I need (okay, want) a car. And a Nook. And to know my math score.'s hoping this week goes better than last week did.

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