Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Life Is Average

It's a great website. :)

Here are some good ones from today:

  • This morning, I was reading and found this post: "Dear Katy Perry, Last night I dreamt I was riding on a unicorn through Narnia in search of the ultimate cheese puffs. Then my friend's brother showed up and we did the YMCA. After that I woke up. Sincerely, real teenage dream." I believe this person is one of us.
  • Today in class we discussed books. One guy told our teacher that he had written a story about an 11 year old boy living with his uncle and aunt because his parents had been killed. The boy had green eyes, black hair, spectacles and lived in a cupboard under the stairs. With the rest of us laughing this guy proceeded to tell our teacher all about the life-story of Harry Potter. What's worse? She actually thought he had made it all up and asked to read the rest of what he had written. MLIA
  • So I decided to see what my hamster would do with a ping pong ball. I thought he would roll it around, but he proceeded to put the whole thing in his mouth. Then he went in his house. MLIA
  • Today, at lunch someone asket where butter came from. Another person asked "Don't cows lay butter?" She was serious. MLIA
  • Today, I saw a cat crossing the road using a cross walk. MLIA
  • Today, I was on and I read a question that asked "My son isn't eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches that I cook for him? Is it possible he is gay? I laughed for abut two minutes straight. MLIA.
  • Today, I was on google translate and typed in 'Will Justin Beiber ever reach puberty' and translated it to vietnamese and then back to english. It read 'Justin will never reach puberty.' Easily made my day. MLIA
  • Today I wished cleverbot a Merry Christmas, in return it replied "Oh my! I need to buy a wedding dress." Who on earth told Cleverbot you need a wedding dress on Christmas. MLIA
  • Today, I downloaded the International Quidditch Association rule book. I plan on learning every rule and bringing Quidditch to my school. MLIA.
  • Today I decided to try the Google vs. Yahoo thing so i typed in "dinosaurs are." Yahoo said "Why are dinosaurs exticnt?" and Google said "dinosaurs are jesus ponies. I. Love. Google. MLIA
  • Today, I was talking to Cleverbot and we were having a duel. I used the killing curse and Cleverbot said, "*gasp* You... You used the killing curse on me... *dies*." Then I said, "Glad that's dead, now I can move on to Justin Bieber." MLIA
  • Today, I asked my older brother why he couldn't take me and my friend to go see The Hangover 2 and he said he had to take his pet dinosaur Charles on a walk. I found this to be a perfectly reasonable excuse, but I didn't think he was serious. Two minutes later I looked out my bedroom window and he had a stuffed dinasour on a leash and was walking it up and down our street. M(and his)LIA
And this is the "best" of this year:

  • Wow getting up at five o'clock in the morning really messes with me. How do I know this, I spent like 45 seconds staring at the back of my deodorant looking for the calorie count before I put it on. MLIA.

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