Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Life Pictures

(They're all a little blurry, sorry.)
 Mr. Freckle dressed up as a Scuba Diver for Halloween.
I called him Scuba Steve. :)
 My cousins came over for a Halloween celebration on the 5th
 My cousin's daughter is so dang cute! (Her name is Presley)
 She saw the cat.
 And stared. A lot.
But she wouldn't touch it. :P
 A while back we got Steve a bunch of new stuff.
He is one spoiled fish!
 This awesome kid from the Guy's golf team danced in an assembly.
It was epic. Like Gru (from Despicable Me) :D
 And then he pulled his shirt over his head. :P
 I helped babysit my neighbor's kids.
Silly children. :P
 They created a game.
They ran from here.
 Over to the green platform in the back.
And then over to the lady (Sister Houghton)
Walked up her legs, and did a flip.
Funny! :)
I met their cat. 
Who's like mine...
 Only nicer. ;)
 We watched part of Cars 2 (a very small part)
And he (Matthew) just sat there and stared.
 And this kid (Landen) and sat by me.
 I got a free drink yesterday.
(Om nom nom!)
And hung out with my friends.
(Aaron drank his hot chocolate with a looong straw)

The end. 

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