Monday, November 21, 2011

The Mystery of Edwin Drood

That was amazing. :)
I love this play, and I love Timp!

It's kind of creepy, especially at the beginning, but it is awesome!
The narrator-type guy was played by none other than Marshall Madsen.
It was hilarious. :) He had the best accent.

It's kind of awesome, because you get to interact.
You get to choose the end of the play as an audience.
But I went on closing night, so I got to see all the confession songs.
Also, the pit got to dress up too. :)
Some quotes:

Marshall (Cartwright): You're next to an idiot.
Austin (Durdles): Nice to meet you.

Austing: She was one in a million.
Marshall: No, she was won in a raffle.

Shannon (Rosa): When will it be performed?
Matt (Bazzard): Never.

Keri (Helena): How many men did it take to detain you?
Lucas (Neville): Five...and a half.

"I'm sorry Miss Nutting, you've stuffed it!" -Marshall

"She came from iron and steel backgrounds. Mother irons, father steals!" -Marshall

"Soon we'll have you singing 'Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam!'" -Marshall

"Why have crumbs when you can have the whole cake? It could have happened like this!" -Marshall

"There is no villainry! That was over five murderers ago!" -Marshall

Lucas & Shannon (Neville & Rosa): We must...sing, a love song!

Anyway, it was an incredible play and Timp-ites in drama don't get the credit they deserve.
PG might do popular intense plays, but Timp does plays that aren0't as well known.
And rock them. :D

Some pictures:
 Jared had an epic sauce mustache.
 Jon had an epic sauce sign he got to hold up in the pit. :)
 She was probably my favorite character.
Great accent, great singing, great acress.
And Marshall's costume was epic.
Except...he kind of looked like a circus ringmaster.
But that's okay. :P

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