Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dear High School, College, and The Future

Okay, first of all: high school.
You've been kind of great. Some days were better than others, but overall you've given me a fairly pleasurable experience. But seriously, what is up with AP English? Can't you just expel that evil for the happiness of all seniors? Or at least make it stop torturing us at a certain point (like...maybe now, or 5 1/2 days ago?). I understand that your life is hard and all, but...give me a break. Please?

Next: College.
You know, you're kind of scary. I feel like I have everything planned out, but I don't really know anything about you. You're like this big mysterious place that is making me leave my home to attend you. But...you'll probably be fun. And hopefully not too stressful or confusing. Please don't make me too responsible, I still want to be sort of juvenile sometimes, okay?

Finally, The Future.
Capitalized and ominous. You are the unknown, the thing I can only hope goes well and...I guess there's not really a lot to say about you. See you around. :D

Oh, How Wonderful

Thursday, April 11, 2013

This Just In...

"Russ purchases music." "I do. I don't own a single song..." -Russ Mayo :D

Forgery 101

That's what we do in Russ's class. Today we learned names... I love the American education system.