Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Recently I...
  • Colored my hand...and some eggs, I guess (that was around Easter, so I guess it wasn't so recent)

  • I've been chillin' with my cat. Because she's silly ;)

(The book that's crossing in front of her is called "How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You") 

 All the gift wrappings from my little sister's birthday party
Her favorite box. I don't know why she sits in it...but I like it :) 

  •  I experimented with my creative skills

  • I did some Calculus
Including going to the Calculus Marathon
(And so did Rachel...)
  • And I've been thinking about graduation...

  • I went to MORP (kind of, I guess we never really made it to the dance. Minigolf + Slurpees sounded better, and it was, we did go to the COLORFUL day date though and ended up with weird things drawn on my windows...)

A little more on Morp: 
So...I went with Matt Merkley. It was fun. The day date was throwing colored chalk at everyone and we got VERY chalky. Especially me, because I'm short, so the top of my head was an easy (and immobile target). Most of mine came off though. And then we went to Walmart and were amused by all the reactions we got from kids. Like..."Wow." and "Daddy, what's that?"
In the evening we gathered at a park for yummy sandwiches and such. There were many people dressed as pirates. But we dressed like normal people. Instead of spending $20 at the dance, I spent about $14 on mini golf (because he had a pass of all passes and mini golf is amazing) and Slurpees  The song theme of the night was "When I Was Your Man" by Bruno Mars, which was on the radio at one point. Before going home, we went and drank our Slurpees on some swings at this random playground. It was great fun, although a little chilly. 
So...that was my Morp experience. Now back to other recent stuff...

  • I babysat for one of my young women's leaders a couple of times. Her kids are...amusing

 And let's just say they'd do well in some Radio ugly-offs. ;)

  •  And I've had a LOT of fast food/going out to eat. Betos, Taco Bell, Chili's, Red Robin, LOTS of pizza (Little Caesar's, Brick Oven, Papa Murphy's)...yeah. I've eaten out (or in but from out) a lot.

And...look at my face in this next one:
  • I cleaned my room really, really well. kind of got dirtied up again. The main thing though, is that I FINALLY put all the books I've bought in the last year or so on my book case!

I'm kind of starting up a new pile though ;)

  • And I got some AWESOME bowling shoes for my birthday! (Okay, so I opened and wore them early, it had to be done)

That made me REALLY happy. And I'm really excited for my birthday. YAY! :)

Also, some things I did but don't have pictures to go along with:
  • I looked through the entire yearbook. And I am SO excited for the early release party!
  • I took two AP tests (English and Biology) that I hopefully passed! (with a 4 in English, I hope)
  • I wrote a ridiculously long, difficult English research paper on Celiac Disease
  • I took my statistics final, which will give me an A in that class if I got a 78% or something like that
  • I went to a golf banquet (I also finally got to golf 9 rounds at Fox Hollow, and that was fun)
  • I (OBVIOUSLY) read a whole ton of books
  • I graduated seminary (whew, that was sooo much work ;D)
  • And...
Amanda, Bekah (who will be my ROOM-mate), Jessica, Erika, and Tori.
So weird to think about! I've even corresponded with Tori and Bekah and they seem really cool. :)
Hopefully this fall will be AMAZING!

And....that's most of what I've done recently (minus a few, probably insignificant, things that I forgot and like I said most likely aren't important anyway :D)