Sunday, September 29, 2013

College Life May or May Not Be Somewhat Like This...

This is college. I stay up ridiculously late nearly every night. I've met...some new people. I live with five crazy awesome girls (Amanda, Bekah, Erika, Jessica and Tori) with whom I make and eat a ridiculous amount of treats, watch movies and TV shows (like Dr. Who), and nearly die from ridiculous heat due to a (perhaps) faulty AC unit. I make my own food, worry about my money, and attend classes (at times when I would rather not be conscious). Also, I may watch too much TV and play too many games on my iPad...but I still get my homework done, so that's probably okay.
This is our bell tower. It's kind of neat. Per tradition, we walked under it at convocation and will not walk under until we graduate. Quite exciting, really. As we walked under it the first time, there were people lining the sides of the walk to give us high fives. And it was raining a bit...which was fun. 
I seem to have adjusted well, don't you think. It's just like home, a couch covered in my random stuff instead of keeping it all in my room. It just makes sense, doesn't it? are my roommates:
Aren't they just lovely? We certainly think so. Oh, and here's our pet, who lives in the cupboards

So...that's the basic gist of things. Here's some of the other random stuff that I do sometimes:

  • Sometimes I draw things for my roommate Erika

Aren't they lovely? :D

  • Sometimes, I do math (really, a lot of the time. Such is the life of a math major)
 I drew this for my other roommate. It's quite impressive, right?

 I did pretty well on my first Calculus III test.
 I may have done the best in my class :)

I learned the word orthogonal. There will be love.
  • Sometimes, I make delicious food. And then I eat it I'm hungry. Anyone want to make me some tasty food? ;)
  • Sometimes, I wear wonderful things. I'm quite the fashionista, you know

    • Sometimes, I make short firemen at a service day at the library (on 9/11)

    • Sometimes, I go to Taco Bell with my "Crazy Aunts" as I like to call them

    • Sometimes, Erika has a Popsicle tongue

    •  Sometimes, I take random pictures of random people on campus and send them to Erika's sister on her phone

    • Sometimes, I stab Erika in the head with pasta noodles

    • Sometimes, I Snapchat my dear, dear old friend Rachel Davis, who goes to BYU. 

    • And sometimes, I wear Erika's glasses. Isn't that quite exciting?

    I've been here for a little over a month, and things are going pretty well so far. I'm surviving. I'm adjusting. I am looking forward to going home in about three weeks for fall break, because home is a good place. There's free food, no homework due, and family. :)

    This concludes installment I of "What I Do At College." Sometime before the end of this academic year, I'll post more. Until then, peace out "home-slice."