Sunday, September 13, 2015


In a completely odd turn of events, I've actually been making food this semester.
Not just food, though, I guess. Actual, takes some effort, fancy-ish food.
It's been...delicious.
 Raspberry pear smoothie
 Chili Cheese Tots
 Chicken Pesto Sandwich
 Cobb Salad
 Meat & Cheese Wrap
 Raspberry Limeade Smoothie
 Lime, Raspberry & Cranberry
Cafe Rio Salad (Burrito)

Food is awesome. Mmmmmmm...

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Sooo...I guess it's been a little while since I posted here.
I kind of got majorly distracted from caring about telling the internet what I was up to.
So here's some stuff:

  • I've now finished 2 years of college, one left to go and it's FREAKING ME OUT maybe more than a little bit. I don't want to have to have a real life/job/etc.
  • I've decided that until I'm forced to be less so, I will be as lazy as I can possibly be and watch very much TV/read very many books (so...basically like normal).
  • I decided that I will never EVER teach math, because...effort, and stress and all that. when people ask me what my major is and I reply: "math." I get to explain in response to their next question that I have absolutely no intention of teaching it and have absolutely no idea what I will do when I graduate. So, there.
  • I spend way too much time with my cat. To the point that I have interesting conversations with her...
  • I have two nephews who are crazy and like to try and bite me sometimes. Emmett's almost 2 (in 5 days) and Henrik's 15.5 months old. Oh, and then there's Rydia who should be born sometime in the next few weeks. 
  • My friend Heather Armstrong is (finally) getting married (haha ;D). Which is crazy and awesome.
  • One of my nearest and dearest friends, Matt Merkley has returned home from his mission! And he's taller and less baby-faced. So...that's weirding me out as well. ;) 
  • Behold his grown-up-ness (as stolen from Facebook as I have not, as of yet seen him in person):
  • This also means that my other dear friend, Josh Clement will be home in less than a month. So...yippee and hooray and all that! 
  • And, finally. Due to the two year hiatus of me seeing these guys, I decided to remember what I looked like back when they left. And it was weird ;) 
(Although the glasses weren't really mine. But this best shows my hair back then, bangs and whatnot)
  • And compared to now, my back then-ness was quite different. Here's me now:

So...that's interesting and all.
And...that's basically enough that I'm going to stop typing now and just post this, because I should really go to bed. Sleep time...