Friday, September 28, 2012

Math, Yearbook, and Other Things I Did Yesterday

Yesterday was amazing!

After school, I went to a math competition. I love math. We had a 100 question test and 30 minutes to do as much as I can. It was so much fun!! :D PGHS had only 6 people there, and we took 3rd place out of 6 schools! Yay PG! I had the best score at PG (so I got a 2-liter bottle of Sunkist), and also the second highest score of the competition. I got 35 right out of the 45 I answered. That's 78%. The kid who had the highest score got 52 right! That's crazy! It made me feel special that I was second though. Also, Zac Brown won an iPod in the raffle, and I got an 8 GB flashdrive. It was so awesome!!

At about 6:20, I went to a yearbook party. It was fantastic! There were delicious nachos and chips & salsa from Los Hermanos. Oh my gosh, so good! It was a really funny and fun time. Some people were slightly injured (but not seriously, and just briefly), and I won the snort game (that was interesting), and I got dizzy on the swings. It was a really good night!

Unfortunately...I had to go home and let my sister inside the house at about 8:30. And then I had to do my Biology homework (memorizing leaves). I did watch the season premiere of Big Bang Theory, and the Series premiere of Elementary. That show is sooo cool! :D Sherlock Holmes is such a great, crazy character. It's wonderful, really.

The only really bad part about the night was the lack of sleep. I didn't actually end up going to bed until about 1:30, so I'm kind of tired. I've been doing bad this week with going to sleep anywhere before midnight. Thank goodness it's the weekend. I can finally sleep! :D

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