Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Boy

He's 18 now. Kinda crazy. Life moves so fast. (Look at that little baby face).

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

You Should Feel Privileged

If you are reading this sometime before Sunday June 23 2013, hold this awareness dear to your heart:
You are one of the first to possess this knowledge and view these images. 
I have bangs.

It's gonna be a weird summer...

Thursday, June 13, 2013


This is being posted from my brand new computer (that came yesterday).
It's pretty exciting (despite having windows or whatever it is on it, which gives it a weird layout)
It has a fingerprint reader which makes me happy.
And I didn't have to spend any of my money on it, so that was cool :)
One step closer to being "ready" for college.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Un-Birthday Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday.
But it didn't really feel like it.
I mean...I had an auditorium of people sing to me at about 12:20 am, and quite a few other people wish me happy birthday early in the morning (including a semi-coherent Russ Mayo).
But...then I went to sleep, so it felt like a new day.
On that new day (still my birthday), I did get Facebook texts periodically throughout the day of people wishing me happy birthday. But it still didn't really feel like a birthday.
I ran errands for my mom, and really didn't do much else.
My family got food for a birthday/graduation dinner on Wednesday.
My birthday party's not till Monday.
And sure, I got some gifts (food from young women's leaders mostly), was more like a boring normal day than anything else.

I'm 18 now, though. So I guess that's good. :)