Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Un-Birthday Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday.
But it didn't really feel like it.
I mean...I had an auditorium of people sing to me at about 12:20 am, and quite a few other people wish me happy birthday early in the morning (including a semi-coherent Russ Mayo).
But...then I went to sleep, so it felt like a new day.
On that new day (still my birthday), I did get Facebook texts periodically throughout the day of people wishing me happy birthday. But it still didn't really feel like a birthday.
I ran errands for my mom, and really didn't do much else.
My family got food for a birthday/graduation dinner on Wednesday.
My birthday party's not till Monday.
And sure, I got some gifts (food from young women's leaders mostly), was more like a boring normal day than anything else.

I'm 18 now, though. So I guess that's good. :)

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