Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 1-Pictures

Day 01- A picture of yourself and 10 facts.

This is me:

And Here are 10 Facts:

  1. I read. A lot. I usually end up with about a book a day by the end of the month.

  2. I love to sleep. Because sleep is good.

  3. Sometimes I sound like Cookie Monster. Om nom nom.

  4. My best friend's name is Beth. She's amazing.

  5. I like dressing up in outrageous things. Like green neon wigs.

  6. I have two freckles on my arm that look like eyes. So I drew a mouth underneath them and they have become Mr. Freckle.

  7. I'm insane. (I created and maintain a Facebook page for Mr. Freckle.)

  8. I like wearing guys clothes.

  9. I love taking pictures of random things.

  10. I don't talk about my feelings. At all. So don't ask. (Well, unless I'm angry.)
And that's me, briefly.

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