Friday, April 29, 2011

In The Library 4/29

Guess what book was in the library today when I walked in!! :)
<--This one! It's awesome, because I've wanted to read this book forever, and now I can! Yay! Well, first I have to finish the book I'm reading at the moment. But I'm almost done with that. Huzzah!

Friday, April 22, 2011


I got a car!!!
Look, it's amazing. :)
(And by amazing, I mean, I can drive it places sometimes.)

Cream Puffs

I love cream puffs.
I really do.
And I made some on this past Tuesday.
They were amazing. :)

Here's the recipe:

1 cup water
1 stick butter
1 cup flour
4 eggs
Heat water and butter to a rolling boil. Then add flower until it balls up. take off of heat and beat in the eggs one at a time.
Drop them on a pan sprayed with nonstick cooking oil (this size:
Cook on 400 for 18 or so minutes, or until golden brown.
After they're done, cool them and then cut off the tops. Take out the extra dough, fill with the cream, and replace the tops. Glaze them with awesome chocolate sauce. :)

Cream Filling:
1/2 pint whipping cream
1 cup milk
1 box instant vanilla pudding
Whip until it's thick.

Chocolate Glaze:
1/2 stick butter
2 Tbs cocoa
2 Tbs milk.
Heat until melted and stir in 2 cups of powdered sugar until melted as well. When glazing cream puffs, dip a fork in the glaze and then shake back and forth over the cream puffs.
Makes about 24.

Yay for food!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Words Are Fun

I was looking through my labels, and I decided I need more words.
Because this blog is severely lacking.
Here are some awesome new words. :)

And that's it for now. Because I've decided a lot of words I know are lame.
I'll get back to you on this.


I love this so much! <3
Wow, I'm such a dork. :P

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Commercial :)

Scientists have finally unlocked the powers of healing hair.
See here.
Because you can live forever. (With minimum side effects.)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A little note from me to you...

This is where I want to go to college.
That would be awesome.
Jessie :)
Just thought I needed to tell you that,
because I'm bored in computer tech.
Good luck with life.
Try not to have experiences like this.
And always use https:// when using Facebook at school.

Once Again, Jessie is Amazing

Another great post.
Oh, if only I were so amazing.
Calvin, you're amazing.

Hey, Me Too...

Today I was looking at Jessie Marquis's blog.
And it made me pretty happy, so I had to make a mention of it.
She had this post.
My mom gave me that comic too.
Hmmm...what is in these parents minds?

"Thomas Trigger" from 8th Grade

In 8th grade, I wrote a story for English.
And that story was about the evils of Twilight.
(It was a tall tale, so kind of odd.)
And without much further ado, I give you:
Thomas Trigger and the Evils of Twilight

One fine, fine day, Taryn Trigger was a’goin’ to the store to get the basic necessities of life (ya know? Duct tape, Sharpies, Gum, and Sticky notes). Anyway, she went to Walmart, which can be counted on for any material. While she was there, she heard a loud scream, “Omigosh! Edward Cullen!!!”
She looked around to see where it had come from. In her house, that name was forbidden and anyone who said it was to be slapped repeatedly until they came to their senses.
She looked to her left and saw a mob of teenage girls. Uh oh, she thought, better get out of here, they can be dangerous.
But she wasn’t quick enough and they trampled her, and she was killed. Later, during the investigation, the police discovered that she had been standing right in front of a display of Twilight books. Her family was furious, but there was nothing the state could do. It was an accidental death, and life went on.
Six months later, her brother arrived home from a two year trip to Africa. He had heard nothing about the accident and was hoping to see his sister. He loved her very dearly and hoped that nothing would ever happen to her. He didn’t know what he would do without her.
He arrived and went straight to his house. When he got there, he asked, “Where’s Taryn?” His mother and father looked at him and told him that he might want to sit down.
They told him all about the accident: the girls, the book, the death. When they finished, he began to cry. Not dignified tears that slide down your face, but big gross sobs that make your face turn all red and splotchy.
He took an oath that day, to track down every single teenage girl and turn them against Twilight. They would pay for what they did to his sister.
Taryn’s brother (I cannot disclose to you his name at this time, for it would take away from the dramatic plot at a later time in the story) started each day at 6 a.m. and came home to sleep at 11 p.m. He used that time to track down all the Twilight books he could and he’d bring them home every night.
Finally, when he was sure that he had found every last Twilight book, he rented an hour of cable television on all the most popular television stations for one night around 6 p.m.
That night, he went on national television and burned his huge stack of Twilight books (over 2 billion).
The outrage was enormous. Every girl in the US (well, all the dumb ones) cried that night. They were all horrified at what he had done, but he wasn’t satisfied. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he had convinced every last person of the evils of Twilight.
He knew this would have to be extreme. Now, let me explain. He was a pretty big guy. He was about six feet tall, buffer than a two-hundred pound farmer and had a temper worse than an angry bull. This was one guy you didn’t want to mess with.
So he went all around the world, slapping—that’s right, I said slapping (with a Bible)—all the teenage girls obsessed with Twilight. He would not stop until he had turned every single one against the book. In fact, he slapped so hard, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one ever wrote or read a single book about vampires ever again. The idea was forgotten and despised.
He was sure that he had gotten every last one, and then he met a girl. A girl named Molly Sue. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. When he saw her, his eyes nearly popped outta his head.
She was five foot eight with long blond hair and bright blue eyes. She had the sweetest Texan accent you’ve ever heard. She pronounced all her “I’s” extra elongated and said “y’all” in the prettiest way.
So, he decided to settle down and raise a family, and they were never plagued by that evil book again.
And they all lived happily ever after (aside from the fact that twenty years later, the earth exploded and they all DIED.)

The End

(Oh, and by the way, his name was Thomas, if you didn’t guess from the title.)

Really The End (I mean it.)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fail Sauce

School starts again tomorrow. :C
It's quite sad, because it means more stress.
However, it shall be kind of cool,
Because I cut my hair, and people shall see.
I'm pretty excited to see how people react. :)

So yay!

And then Wednesday is my book club in English!!!
I'm so excited for that!
Yay for the Finer Things Club! :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tangled Words of Wisdom

Due to the epicness of the movie Tangled,
I've decided to put all my quotes up.
Yay for epic movies!! :)

So here you go:

I could get used to this.
Yeah, I’m used to it.
Guys, I want a castle.

Mother Gothel:
I see a strong, young, confident woman.
Oh look, you’re there too.

This is very, very bad.
They just can’t get my nose right!

I’ve got a person in my closet!

Mother Gothel: I bet my surprise is bigger.
Rapunzel: I seriously Doubt it.

I know not who you are,
nor how I came to find you,
but may I just say...Hi.
How you doin'? The name's Flynn Rider.

The kingdom and I aren’t exactly ‘simpatico’ at the moment.

Rapunzel: Something brought you here, Flynn Rider.”
“Fate, destiny—”

Flynn: “A horse?

Here comes the smolder.

You broke my smolder!

I can’t help but see you seem…a little at war with yourself.”

Here's a video. :)

Stay back, it can probably smell fear.

Because to me, that's part man-smell,
and the other part is really bad man-smell.
I don't know why,
but overall it just smells like the color brown.
Your thoughts?

"I had a dream…once."

And here's a video. :)

"Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns."

"Go, live your dream."
Flynn: "I will."
"Your dream stinks, I was talking to her."

And a video. :)

“Somebody get me a glass, because I just found a tall drink of water.”

You should know that this is one of the
strangest things I’ve ever done.

Eugene. My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert.

I have magic hair that glows when I sing!

Flynn: Why’s he smiling at me?

So, you’re being cryptic as you wrap your
magic hair around my injured hand.

Flynn: No really, thank you.
I feel like this whole time we’ve just been misunderstanding
each other and…no, you’re right, we should just get going.

Did I ever tell you I’ve got a thing for brunettes?

Flynn: After years and years of asking,
I finally said yes.

Rapunzel: Eugene.
Flynn: Okay, I asked her.

And a moment for the silent characters:

Pascale. :)


And a tribute to the hair:

Yay! :D

I Want a Chameleon

I love Tangled. :D

Especially Pascale. Ah, Pascale. You're such a stud. I want a chameleon.

And then of course, there's Flynn Awww! He looks so nice. :)

Seriously. Zachary Levi is a stud. Look at his awesomeness: Oh yes, this is what makes a good movie.

The passion, the romance, the singing. What's not to love?!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Guess what?!? I got a haircut today. It was very, very exciting. My neighbor did it, and she made it look awesome! She was so very excited to cut it, and the excitement was catching! :) Yay for changes!! Here's a picture:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Music I Like Today

Here are some songs I decided to listen to today. :)
Mona Lisa-Panic! At the Disco
Hello, I Love You-The Doors Africa-Toto Mrs. Robinson-Simon & Garfunkel Short Skirt-Cake The Seven Deadly Sins-Flogging Molly That Green Gentleman-Panic! At the Disco And...some others. But those are the ones I can think of right now. :)

Spring Break :D

Yay, it's spring break. :D
I'm very happy about this.
I spent 3 hours today working.
And now I have more money.
I also ate a bunch of food.
Good stuff.

No more school for 8 days!!
Can't wait for next week!
I'm going to earn money,
And do Health.
And cut my hair!
And it shall be epic. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Book Club

So...I'm really excited for my English book club. Because it's going to be epic. We are reading Farenheit 451. We are the Finer Things Club. :) We're going to have an awesome time!! Kaleb, Nate, Jared, and Natalie rock! CAN'T WAIT!!

Last Day-Pictures

Day 30-A picture of someone you miss. I miss Beth. Because we had epic good times last year. And in eighth grade. But now she goes to Timp and I go to PG. But we're still amazing. I miss seeing her every day though. :c

Last Day-Music

Day 30-Your favorite song this time last year.
The Mixed Tape, by: Jack's Mannequin.
Because it was amazing.
(It still is, but I've kind of moved on).


This is morning
That's when I spend the most time
Thinking 'bout what I've given up
This is a warning
When you start the day just to close the curtains
You're thinking 'bout what I've given up

Where are you now?
As I'm swimming through the stereo
I'm writing you a symphony of sound
Where are you now?
As I rearrange the songs again
This mix could burn a hole in anyone
But it was you I was thinking of

I read your letter
The one you left when you broke into my house
Retracing every step you made
And you said you meant it
And there's a piece of me in every single
Second of every single day
But if it's true then tell me how it got this way

Where are you now?
As I'm swimming through the stereo
I'm writing you a symphony of sound
Where are you now?
As I rearrange the songs again
This mix could burn a hole in anyone
But it was you I was thinking of

And I can't get to you
I can't get to you
I can't get to you (you, you)

Where are you now?
As I'm swimming through the stereo
I conduct a symphony of sound
Where are you now?
As I'm cutting through you track by track
I swear to God this mix could sink the sun
But it was you I was thinking of

And where are you now?
And where are you now?

And this is my mixed tape for her
It's like I wrote every note
With my own fingers

Day 29-Pictures

Day 29-A picture that can always make you smile.
I liked this day.
It was fun. :)

Day 29-Music

Day 29-A song from your childhood.

Yellow Submarine, by: The Beatles.
This was one of the first duets I learned to play on the piano.
And I was kind of obsessed with it. :)
I love The Beatles.


In the town where I was born,
Lived a man who sailed to sea,
And he told us of his life,
In the land of submarines,

So we sailed on to the sun,
Till we found the sea green,
And we lived beneath the waves,
In our yellow submarine,

We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.

And our friends are all aboard,
Many more of them live next door,
And the band begins to play.

(Trumpets play)

We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.

(Full speed ahead, Mr. Barkley, full speed ahead!
Full speed over here, sir!
All together! All together!
Aye, aye, sir, fire!
Captain! Captain!)

As we live a life of ease(life of ease)
Every one of us(every one of us) has all we need,(has all we need)
Sky of blue,(sky of blue) and sea green,(sea of green)
In our yellow(In our yellow) submarine.(submarine) ( Haha! )

We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.


We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jessie Marquis is My Hero

Jessie Marquis is awesome.
The whole Marquis family, actually.
And she has a blog, where she posts her awesomeness.
And I love it. :)

Click Here

She posts videos she makes, and other amazing things.
Like pictures of some lady walking her pet raccoon.
Or an awesome stop sign she saw.

I love the blogging world.


Day 28-Pictures

Day 28-A picture of something you're afraid of.

This represents darkness.
Which I fear.

Day 28-Music

Day 28-A song that makes you feel guilty.

Christmas Shoes is a sad song.
And it makes me feel sad.
Even though I love it.

It was almost Christmas time, there I stood in another line
Tryin' to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood
Standing right in front of me was a little boy waiting anxiously
Pacing 'round like little boys do
And in his hands he held a pair of shoes

His clothes were worn and old, he was dirty from head to toe
And when it came his time to pay
I couldn't believe what I heard him say

Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes would make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight

He counted pennies for what seemed like years
Then the cashier said, "Son, there's not enough here"
He searched his pockets frantically
Then he turned and he looked at me
He said Mama made Christmas good at our house
Though most years she just did without
Tell me Sir, what am I going to do,
Somehow I've got to buy her these Christmas shoes

So I laid the money down, I just had to help him out
I'll never forget the look on his face when he said
Mama's gonna look so great

Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes would make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight

I knew I'd caught a glimpse of heaven's love
As he thanked me and ran out
I knew that God had sent that little boy
To remind me just what Christmas is all about

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 27-Pictures

Day 27-A picture of yourself and a family member. This was an interesting day...

Day 27-Music

Day 27-A song that you wish you could play.

Yesterday is a fantastic song.
Unfortunately I can't do it justice on the guitar.
Which is sad.
I wish I could.


All my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to stay,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

I'm not half the man I used to be,
There's a shadow hanging over me,
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she
Had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said,
Something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy game to play,
Now I need a place to hide away,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why she
Had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said,
Something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy game to play,
Now I need a place to hide away,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.



Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 26-Pictures

Day 26-A picture of something that means a lot to you.

This is Les Miserables.
And it's pretty much the greatest musical ever. :)

Day 26-Music

Day 26-A song that you can play on an instrument.
The first (and only, really) song that I learned to play on the guitar
was "We're Gonna Be Friends" by The White Stripes.
And I really like it. :)


fall is here, hear the yell
back to school, ring the bell
brand new shoes, walking blues
climb the fence, book and pens
i can tell that we are gonna be friends

walk with me, suzy lee
through the park, by the tree
we will rest upon the ground
and look at all the bugs we've found
then safely walk to school
without a sound

well here we are, no one else
we walked to school all by ourselves
there's dirt on our uniforms
from chasing all the ants and worms
we clean up and now it's time to learn

numbers, letters, learn to spell
nouns, and books, and show and tell
at playtime we will throw the ball
back to class, through the hall
teacher marks our height against the wall

and we don't notice any time pass
we don't notice anything
we sit side by side in every class
teacher thinks that i sound funny
but she likes the way you sing

tonight i'll dream while i'm in bed
when sill thoughts go through my head
about the bugs and alphabet
and when i wake tomorrow i'll bet
that you and i will walk together again
cause i can tell that we
are going to be friends

And one of my favorite songs to play on the piano
is Open Arms by Journey. :)


Lying beside you, here in the dark
Feeling your heart beat with mind
Softly you whisper, you're so sincere
How could our live be so blind
We sailed on together
We drifted apart
And here you are by my side

So now I come to you, with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am with open arms
Hoping you'll see what your love means to me
Open arms

Living without you, living alone
This empty house seems so cold
Wanting to hold you, wanting you near
How much I wanted you home

But now that you've come back
Turned night into day
I need you to stay.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 25-Pictures

Day 25-A picture of your favorite day.
Oh, so many to choose from. :)
Well...I could choose this one:

Or this one: (Tyson's a stud)

Or the day (one of a few) that I wore my green wig to school:

Or the day that I got a free drink from Harts!

Or the day I "dressed-up":