Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

Lame Sauce

Today was awful.
It started out okay.
I was having fun cleaning my room.
Then Dad made me go to a movie with the fam.
A movie I didn't want to see.
Sure, it was okay...but I would have rather been at home.
The only reason I even went was...
because he said I couldn't go to my own birthday dinner
if I didn't go. :C
So I went.
And then we went to dinner.
And I really wished I'd stayed home.
My food wasn't that great.
And I felt crappy.
And it was just awful. :'(
I don't think I'll go to Red Lobster again for my birthday.
Chiles or TGI Friday's or something.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lots of Kids...

There are a lot of kids at my house this weekend.
It's been kind of crazy.
Shaidyn, Tyson, and Lexie.
Alex, Sam, Blake, and Lucas.
So many children.

We went to the park yesterday. :D

There were many stories read...

And lots of food made.

And lots of milk drank (drunk?)

Overall, it was a good weekend. :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011


This is my pet fish.
I got him for never missing or being late to Seminary.
I have named him Steve
(But sometimes I call him Mr. Fish, or Herr Fisch.)
Kirsten kept calling him Jesus. :P
That was kind of funny.
The idea of a fish is kind of cool.
But really, it just kind of sucks. :C
It's not a rewarding pet.
It's kind of boring.
(Fail seminary gift.)

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Greatest Game Ever Played

We watched this movie today in computer tech.
It was great.
I like that it's about golf.
Golf is a great sport.
I also love the caddy.
He's such a cutie. :P

This is a truly fantastic movie. :D

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dream On

This was rather amazing. :)
Neil Patrick Harris :D
And he hit that high note.
That was soooo impressive.

(And this is why I watch Glee)


Finals are horrible.
Because all the teachers do them at once.
And they make your brain implode.
Like my German final today. 5 pages, front and back.
But luckily...you have classes like AP Chemistry,
where you do nothing.
Or you do something like this. :D

This was fun. :D (You can just skip to 2:48 instead of watching all three minutes.)

(Oh, and 4 Days)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

6 Days...

Less than one week until my birthday.
Which means barely over a week until my party.
I'm so excited!!!
And I get to turn 7!! (1 + 6 = 7)
And my friends shall all be there (hopefully).
I'm inviting like 19 people! :P
Sooooo exciting.
And school's almost over!
So huzzah for the end of May!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Bro Code

The Bro Code is amazing.
It's a legitimate published book.
Written by Barney Stinsen.
Oh Neil Patrick Harris, you're such an amazing actor.
It includes such articles as:

Article 2: A Bro is always entitled to do something stupid, as long as the rest of his Bros are doing it.

Article 61: If a Bro for whatever reason becomes aware of another Bro’s anniversary with a chick, he shall endeavor to make that information available to his Bro, regardless of whether he thinks his Bro already knows.

Article 91: If a group of Bros suspect that their Bro is trying to give himself a nickname, they shall rally to call him by an adjacent yet more demeaning nickname.

And other good stuff. :)

And there's a page for it on Facebook. :D
It gives you a new article everytime you go.

Laundry Day/Brand New Day

This song has been haunting me all day.
I can't get it out of my head.
Even though I know almost none of the lyrics.
And now I finally get to listen to it again.
Huzzah! :D

This song too.

English Rocks

I'm gonna miss my English class next year.
Because they were amazing. :D
Kaleb, Tyler, Nate, Rachel, Ryan, Brennan, Jared, even Wyatt.
It was...wonderful today.
We had a sub.
We watched a dorky movie.
We talked, and goofed off.
And we played with a ball.
And it was super amazing.
Of course.
I shall miss you all deeply.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dr. Horrible

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is basically epic. :)
I love Neil Patrick Harris.
You can watch:
Act 1 Part 1
Act 1 Part 2
Act 2 Part 1
Act 2 Part 2
Act 3 Part 1
Act 3 Part 2

"You're kidding! What a crazy random happenstance."
"Billy? You're driving a spork into your leg."
"Right! Freeze ray."
"I'm doctor horrible. I've got a PhD in horribleness."
"Oh, goodness, look at my wrist. I gotta go."
"All the birds are singin' that you're gonna die."
"Yeah, it's two R's sweetie..." :P

Poor Dr. Horrible though. :C
I love you!

From My Childhood...

I loved this book in third grade. :D
It was awesome, and then we made up a game during recess.
Good times. Good memories.

Now they're making it into a movie.
Haha. :D Jim Carey.
I want to see this.
Mr. Popper Trailer.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Happy Birthday to Him

Today is the birthday of an awesome kid.
His name is Kaleb Rawlinson.
He plays the trumpet.
He's nice.
He's studly.
And he's now 16.
It's kind of crazy. :D
Happy Birthday Kaleb!

This girl I know...

This girl in my chemistry class is kind of crazy.
But she's also amazing. :)
So sometimes I read her blog.
It's a story blog.
And she wrote an Epic Story.
It was kind of epic. :D

Chemistry Nerdiness...and Pool

Yesterday I went to an AP Chemistry party.
It was quite exciting. :D
We ate yummy food.
And were nerdy.
I played pool against this guy who is actually good at it.
I almost won. :P
I was doing really well at the beginning...and then I scratched like 6 times.
It was great though.
We also got certificates of survival and nerdiness.
It was lovely. :)

14 Hours

Last night I slept for 14 hours.
It was kind of crazy. :P
I fell asleep at about 7:30, I was so tired.
Then I woke up at 1:15, and realized that I fell asleep.
So...that was interesting.
It was fun though. :D

Fun at Midnight...

I went to see the midnight showing of this movie.
It was amazing. :D

There were crazy characters, like:

Old Characters like:



And then there was the girl.
Who didn't completely suck.

I rather enjoyed the way she made Jack act. :)

And of course there had to be someone to be weird like Will and Elizabeth.
They were...an odd couple.

And some crazy stunts for Jack.
This scene was great. :D

But most of all...there were some awesome quotes.

"With your permission, your Hiney." -Jack

"I understand everything...except for that wig." -Jack (To Barbossa)

"You've stolen me. And I'm here to take meself back." -Jack (To his "imposter")

"Mistook it for a brothel. Honest mistake." -Jack

"I'm neither with you nor against you." -Philip
"Can he do that?" -Pirate
"He's religious, I think it's required." -Jack

"Captain, I wish to report a mutiny. I can name fingers and point names." -Jack

"The Black Pearl in a bottle? Why is the Black Pearl in a bottle?" -Jack (To Angelica)

"Made by the English...let's not get our hopes up." -Pirate

"Did everyone see that? Because I'm not doing that again." -Jack

"You know that feeling, you get when standing on something very high? The sudden urge to jump? I don't have that." -Jack (To Blackbeard)

"What's wrong with an older man having a hobby?" -Barbossa (To Jack)

"What, like...feelings you mean?" -Gibbs (To Jack)

"I want one of those." -Jack (To Barbossa concerning his rum horn)

"No need. Shall we have a drink?" -Jack

"If you had a sister and a dog, I'd choose the dog." -Jack

(Angelica shoots at Jack) "Missed!" -Jack

"I hate that monkey." -Jack

"I know a man who owns a goat." -Gibbs
"Good, because I can go like this." -Jack

Yes. That was pretty great. :D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tonight is a Glorious Night

Tonight I shall partake of the awesomeness of Pirates 4.
I'm rather excited, as this will be my first midnight showing of a movie.
Yes. :D
This should be good.


Driving is rough. It's kind of stressful.
I've been ranging this week.
It's been interesting.
I've driven first twice and third once.
I've always been in a car with two other girls.
Every day I've been in a car with Tracy Blackman.
I think I'm gonna pass.
We'll have to see how today goes.
I'm testing today.
Oh boy. xD

Monday, May 16, 2011

That's Actually Kind of Cool...

Well...I was looking on this random blog of someone I don't really know.
(Don't ask how I got there.)
And I came upon something that's actually really cool.
So click to create Music.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Day of Joy and Oddities

Happy National Weirdness Day Y'all! :D
Today, May 15th is the wonderful and exciting holiday called National Weirdness Day. I celebrated like this:
And this is how people reacted:
Yay for weirdness!
(Although I had a little bit of difficulty figuring out what to wear)
It was a good day! :)

A Great Tradgedy Has Occurred

They killed Mr. Nigel-Murray.
Poor Vincent. :C
On Thursday, I witnessed the murder of a great character.
Now I'm sad.
I miss you Vincent!
You were a great character.
You always had random facts to tell.
And most of all, your favorite song was The Lime in the Coconut.
You were amazing.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Rebecca Black is a plague on the universe.
She can't sing.
She looks scary.
And I hate her.
And then they sang the Friday song on Glee.
Why, universe, why?!?

Monday, May 9, 2011

I just realized...

The roman numeral for 4 is pretty awesome.
Because it's IV :)
And that's like the doctor IV
Or Ivy, the plant.
And that makes it cool.

Awesome New Words, Edition III

Here are some new awesome words.
They just come to me.
Or are spoken to me.
And I like them.

Huzzah for Words! :)

While We're Posting Poems...

This is a poem I wrote this year.
Well...actually last year.
As in October.
This school year, last calendar year. :)
And I'm rambling. :P

Here you go:

While You Were Away
A Poem Inspired by Chemistry…Class
By: Cassie Johnson

While you were away,
Clark lost his pants, Sabrina lost hers too.
Beth had a “crush” and Cassie disapproved.
While you were away.

While you were away,
We got new nicknames too;
Beth is now called Veni, Cassie’s now a Scrooge.
While you were away.

While you were away,
Maddie really bloomed.
Sassy flowers, as you may know, are sometimes rather rude.
While you were away.

While you were away,
We learned in Algebra 2.
Talking all the time, as we learned just what to do.
While you were away.

While you were away,
We decided Josh should be Peter.
And Aaron roasted some spam over Miss Ugaki’s heater.
While you were away.

But most importantly,
Each and every day,
We all missed you so very much,
While you were away.

Ahh, More 8th Grade Memories

Here is a poem my friend and I wrote in 8th grade.
We were...bored.

Ode to Schwa

O Schwa, what art thou?

A letter of the alphabet,

A tiny little actorlet,

Or just one word: wow.

Hair that's brown with a touch of sun,

Aha! We've only just begun.

A glint of ocean in your eyes,

We see greatness despite your size.

An average sevie, you are not

Amazing skills, you have a lot;

Working a spotlight twice your size

You sing one good "Why Me" reprise.

The pack on thy back is gray, white, and black

And you don't really mind a hug attack.

Your brilliance proves you are well educated,

And you definitely aren’t overrated…

You are ever so good at drama-

More intense than a domestic llama.

And since we don’t speak Ralik or Illyrian,

We will now slip into Old Shakespearean…

Shall I compare thee to a triangular hypotenuse? Nay!

For such thing beith the longest of its kind, whereas thee beith the shortest.

And shall I end with ‘Farewell?’ Nay! For to end in such a way is ridiculous,

But to end with discombobulation is to ponder upon.

Being said, I end with two words:


Exit stage right and don’t forget to breathe,

~Unknown & Anonymous,

With some help from Unidentified, Nameless and Faceless.


Though to pester and tease thee is thrilling,

To leave thee alone we are willing.

Forgive us that we’ve caused such humiliation,

Please don’t give this letter a misinterpretation.

The end. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Oh gosh xD
He's talking about prison.
That's awesome. :)

Not to do this twice in one day, but....

This is also amazing.
I love videos.
And this song is also awesome.
So yay for this.

Happy in History

Wow, this makes me really happy.
video. :)
Seriously, Jessie Marquis is my hero.
This video is amazing.
And whoever made it is amazing.
Because they took a crappy song
And an awesome time in history
And made it into an awesome parody.
And now I'm dying of happiness.
Thank you for being awesome Jessie.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Weekend

Today I am sick.
Last night I washed my learner's permit.
Tomorrow I take my AP Chem test.
And then I am free.