Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Bro Code

The Bro Code is amazing.
It's a legitimate published book.
Written by Barney Stinsen.
Oh Neil Patrick Harris, you're such an amazing actor.
It includes such articles as:

Article 2: A Bro is always entitled to do something stupid, as long as the rest of his Bros are doing it.

Article 61: If a Bro for whatever reason becomes aware of another Bro’s anniversary with a chick, he shall endeavor to make that information available to his Bro, regardless of whether he thinks his Bro already knows.

Article 91: If a group of Bros suspect that their Bro is trying to give himself a nickname, they shall rally to call him by an adjacent yet more demeaning nickname.

And other good stuff. :)

And there's a page for it on Facebook. :D
It gives you a new article everytime you go.

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