Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fun at Midnight...

I went to see the midnight showing of this movie.
It was amazing. :D

There were crazy characters, like:

Old Characters like:



And then there was the girl.
Who didn't completely suck.

I rather enjoyed the way she made Jack act. :)

And of course there had to be someone to be weird like Will and Elizabeth.
They odd couple.

And some crazy stunts for Jack.
This scene was great. :D

But most of all...there were some awesome quotes.

"With your permission, your Hiney." -Jack

"I understand everything...except for that wig." -Jack (To Barbossa)

"You've stolen me. And I'm here to take meself back." -Jack (To his "imposter")

"Mistook it for a brothel. Honest mistake." -Jack

"I'm neither with you nor against you." -Philip
"Can he do that?" -Pirate
"He's religious, I think it's required." -Jack

"Captain, I wish to report a mutiny. I can name fingers and point names." -Jack

"The Black Pearl in a bottle? Why is the Black Pearl in a bottle?" -Jack (To Angelica)

"Made by the English...let's not get our hopes up." -Pirate

"Did everyone see that? Because I'm not doing that again." -Jack

"You know that feeling, you get when standing on something very high? The sudden urge to jump? I don't have that." -Jack (To Blackbeard)

"What's wrong with an older man having a hobby?" -Barbossa (To Jack)

"What, like...feelings you mean?" -Gibbs (To Jack)

"I want one of those." -Jack (To Barbossa concerning his rum horn)

"No need. Shall we have a drink?" -Jack

"If you had a sister and a dog, I'd choose the dog." -Jack

(Angelica shoots at Jack) "Missed!" -Jack

"I hate that monkey." -Jack

"I know a man who owns a goat." -Gibbs
"Good, because I can go like this." -Jack

Yes. That was pretty great. :D

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