Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chirp! Chirp!

We have a nest on the front of our house.
It's kind of awesome.
And it's in the perfect spot to see close up from the front room.
And there are baby birds.
There are four of them.
Although the parents don't like you to be near them...

And the cat likes to watch them.
And then she scratches at the window.
Sometimes she tries to get them.
And then she falls. Haha.
Silly cat. :D

Girls Camp

I  just got back yesterday. :)

(Pre-Day 1)
We (the YCL's) went up a day early.
But we didn't leave until noon. :P
We met at the Allphin's house.
To get ready...
And we got some epic sunglasses. ^ Those are mine ^ :D
When we got there (after a long car ride) we set up our tents.
And set up our food tent area.
Oh, so gorgeous ;)
We unpacked our stuff...
Lacey looked super-fly (or tried to) Rachel.
Look at those tents in the trees.
More unloading...
We set up Big Bertha.
But then we took her down!
She's broken enough that we can retire her
(She's been there for more than half my life!)
Rachel did some poses.
Look at that green. :D
Ma Mummsy
Pose, baby, pose!
We triumphed over Big Bertha!
And then set up another tent.
This is the Allphin's boat. It's epic sauce. :)
We finished! (Kind of, partway)
One lonely bag...
Inside our tent, we chilled...
Washing our hands at the pump that says
"Do not wash any possessions"
(Do hands count?)
And we saw a rainbow.
Awww. :)
(With both sides)
This is me...Day 1
Rachel, in all her magnificence.
(Notice the Canada shirt. Yeah, she got that in Nauvoo from a Canadian girl)
Mummsy (At camp, of course)
The eggs started to run
These are our Priesthood/Boat Owners.
(The one on the left looks like Mario)
We had a life-size cut-out of Qui-Gon.
That's me on the boat.
I wasn't very excited.
I don't like boats very much.
But...Brother Allphin's boat is kind of an exception.
I was the DJ.
Jenna wake-boarded first.
Look at that water. :)
My view.
(L to R) Danielle Nixon, Kelsey Didricksen, Becca Tebbs
Jenna did awesome. She got up pretty much from the start.
Epic Sauce.
Brother Allphin, what a rebel.
(No lifejacket)
I was just a passenger.
Next Danielle went.
Getting in/out
Getting used to the water.
(L to R) Kelsey, Jenna Smoot, Becca
It took her a while, but eventually she got up
Yeah...Brother Allphin painted his toes (before girls camp, and then he left them for camp)
The label on the life jacket does not describe what's in it. ;)
After Danielle went Becca
She had a pretty sweet wipeout
And she did pretty dang well too.
Relaxing in the water
Then Kelsey took a turn.
And then we inflated the tubes.
We met up with the Hack's boat.
But then we had to go back in, so we didn't get to tube.
Jenna and Becca rode the tube in.
Splits on the tubes!
And the Beehives stole our boat.
And we went back to camp (there's my sister)
That was the sign for our food tent.
We got our Secret Sisters.
Mom got some cool stuff.
Rachel got a big Lemonade.
She cradled it like a baby. :P
Later on, we chilled and ate dinner.
There's Sister Pugmire (Our Young Women's leader)
The beehives had come back.
At night-ish time, we sang camp songs.
(Well, I didn't, but everyone else did)
When I went to the bathroom I met a dog.
It was a super cute dog too! :)
His name was Kai. He was kind of friendly.
But he sure did like to bark at me. :)

Day 2
Chillin' in the Shade
At 2:30, I went down to the boats.
I was on Brother Allphin's boat with basically the same peole as the day before.
First, Julia, Jenna, Becca, Lacey, Kelsey, and Cassidy went out.
They switched tubes frequently enough.
There was some intense stuff.
Julia kept falling off though. :P
More tricks...
Switching sof position
The other people fell off too. Everyone except Kelsey.
They had lots of fun...
They formed pyramids
And stood up like crazy people.
It was cool to watch them
Wow...I took lots of pictures

More pictures...
Lacey, Jenna, and Rosie
Rachel, Jenny, and Gabby
"How old do you have to be to not have to wear a life jacket?"
"You have to either be stupid, or Brother Allphin."
Sis. Sizz.
Brother Smooth and Sister Allphin rode too (on our second time slot).
Huh...I guess the pictures of my tubing disappeared. Weird...
Gabby fell off
We saw some coolio bald eagles.

Tube switching
Some fun tricks
And at the end, Sister Sizzle wakeboarded again.
We sat on the boat.
I guess I don't really have any pictures.
But I went out on a tube with my Mom.
And jenna went out with her Dad.
And we had some fun.
Yay for Brother Allphin's boat!
I dunno...
Sister Allphin was our flag raiser.
Brother allphin's shirt rocks.
The water looks cool...
And Jenna wakeboarded one last time
She almost jumped the wake!
We all Float On
This is what my hair looked like after we got back.
(Pretty awesome, huh?)
And this is after I rushed my hair.
Brother Allphin cooked their fish
(oh yeah, they went fishing that morning, but not me)
We had Cafe Rio-type dinner. Yum. :D
And Brother Allphin told us a bunch of stories about the Priests. Yes. :)
Hi Jenny!
More campfire songs.
And then Testimony Meeting.
Uh, yeah. Fail...
There was some sweet glowing stuff.
The end.

Day 3 (The End)
We took down our tents.
It took a while.
But we got it done.
With a little teamwork...
And some chit-chat.
And then for some reason they dressed up like a Storm Trooper/Darth Vader
(I guess because they had the costumes)
They looked kind of cool...
But kind of hot too :P
Zghoo, Zghoo.
[Darth Vader breathing]
It's the tent folding dance!
And on our way home (after visiting the Flaming Gorge dam)
We got food
And ate it on the temple grounds.
My Mum got me Wendy's.
We talked some..
Yum. Wendy's. :)
And we saw a giant dinosaur.
It was pretty silly.
So of course we took some pictures.

And then we got home. Huzzah!
And that was the end of girls camp.