Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

Yeah, I just got back a little while ago.
I loved it.
Some quick notes:

  • Hermione really makes an awful Bellatrix Lestrange.
  • "Hermione! When have any of our plans actually worked?" -Harry
  • I love Neville. He is honestly the best.
Harry: "I realize it's not much to go on."
Seamus: "That's nothing to go on."

Seamus: "There's only one Harry."
Ron: "Shut up, Seamus."
  • "I can bring it down." -Seamus
  • McGonagall Rocks!
  • "I've always wanted to use that spell!" -McGonagall
Lupin: "It's the quality of one's work, not the quantity of workers that determines success."
Kingsley: "Who said that?"
Lupin: "Me."
  • Hermione's To Do: 1. Have life threatening experience. 2. Destroy Horcrux. 3. Make out with Ron.
  • (Pulls himself up) "That went well." -Neville
  • (Runs screaming) "Goyle set the bloody place on fire!" -Ron
Harry: We can't leave them!
Ron: He's joking, right?
  • "If we die for them Harry, I'm gonna kill you!" -Ron
  • Snape. I'd just like to say. Thank you for being awesome.
  • Haha, harry died. ;)
  • "It looks like King's Cross Station...only cleaner." -Harry
  • "Of course it's happening inside your head, harry. Why should that mean it's not real?" -Dumbledore
  • Voldemort has a fat head.
  • "Not my daughter, you bitch!" -Mama Weasley, yeah go!
Seriously. Holy Stud Muffin. 

And some other quotes.

The end. :D  

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