Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Favorite Sites...

...To Waste My Time On.

  1. Blogger, obviously. I spend way too much time on here, in case you didn't notice.
  2. Facebook. It's key for creepy stalking of people you just met recently. :)
  3. Pinterest. Because...it's fun to look at the funny stuffins and the cute pictures of baby polar bears.
  4. My Life is Average. There are some pretty fantastic stories on there. I especially love the Narnia ones.
  5. Grouchy Rabbit. Check out the 'Signs that Things Aren't Going Well.' Fantastic.
  6. Dear Girls Above Me. This is a new one. Some of them are kind of bad, but I find them whimsical.
  7. The Oatmeal. Check out the cat comics. I love them. So true...mostly. ;)
  8. Dear Blank, Please Blank. I haven't been there in a little while. But it's still quite silly.
  9. Taste of Awesome. Doesn't the name kind of explain it? Awesome-ness.

  10. Tumblr. There's this one...it's something about sticky notes and a stay at home dad. Hmmm...

That's my top ten.
That I can think of right now.
Check out some, if you're really really bored. :D

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