Thursday, March 20, 2014


It's been a while. My computer kind of broke. I got busy with fall semester finals. I did the Christmas break thing (it was sweeet :D). I came back to school. I got sick (twice). I did the Spring break thing. And now here I am, a little more than halfway through the semester. I just gotta say...
English sucks.
It sucks the fun out of my days at times, and it does this thing where it hangs over my head and yet I still put it off until way late. And that's bad. Can't I just not have to do it anymore?
Apparently not. I still have to write that 12-15 page research paper. Oh, and the annotated bibliography. So, may I repeat?
English sucks.
(No offense to those who enjoy English, but I am entitled to my own opinion, aren't I?)

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