Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Liiiike It

This was a cool post by Jessie.
The video's good.
It's cute, not too cheesy.
I wish I knew how to create something like that.
Because I think it would be fun. :)

Slurp, Slurp

Haha, my little sister got braces today
And it makes me laugh. :P
She makes slurpy sounds when she swallows her spit.
They sound silly.
Silly child

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I went mini golfing yesterday.
It was kind of epic. :D

Merkley kind of failed. :P

We all kind of failed. :D

Kirsten was totally rocking the golf skills.
And I didn't do completely horribly.
(Except for when I knocked the ball off course.)

I got 2 holes in one! (How do you say that properly?)
It was pretty epic.
I actually got a hole in one on the last hole too, which was awesome.

This hole was hard. Stupid flappy door. >:C

And the final verdict was...

Josh and Kirsten tied! :D
And I got second, only one point behind!
It was great.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

'Twas a Lovely Evening Indeed

Today I went to a party...
There was food.
There were friends.
There were paper moustaches.
It was fun.

The evening began with some moustaches.

On me

(Well on my hat anyway)

On Caitlyn

On Beth

Even on the Baby :)

Jon made his into a beard

While we waited to eat

...we kind of got bored

We put bottle caps on the edge of the moustache

And from the side it looked like they were floating ;)

And then Beth wore two hats

Finally, we ate :)
There was fun food...

With lots of bacon

There was even bacon in the cupcakes :P

After the food, we decided to go to a park.
So we went to Aspen Elementary.
On the way, I was in the car with Heather
And Jon.

It was great. :D

But...then the door kind of broke. :P
Some memorable phrases:
"You need more than a man duct tape, you need a man." -Jon
"Jon, would you be the doctor of my children?" -Heather
"Get a shirt you hippie! And some real shorts!" -Jon

And then we got to the park.

Jon carried Heather like a princess.

And Caitlyn, Alan, and Mandy went to the swings.

And Beth and I goofed off.

Beth played on the bouncy thing.

And Jon played on that thing...

Um...seriously Jon? That's reserved...for Jake. :P

It was all good.

And Heather ran to play on the blue bars with Jon.

And Beth ran over there too. :)


Silly dramatic people.

And zoomed out...

Oh...that's a little awkward. :P

Oh hey Beth. :)

Why so sad?

Oh wait, never mind.

Oh, there's Alan.

Jon, you're my favorite.

Jon, I didn't know you were a monkey bars ninja.

Oooh! Photo opp!

No Jon! Don't accept candy from strangers! Especially strange old men!
Oh wait, that's just Alan. Haha. :P

Those are some mad monkey skills, Jon.

Haha, I have mad climbing skills too!

Time for swings!

And then we went over to the little area right next to that playground.

I sat on that cool yellow piece of macaroni (it's plastic!)

I'm a super hero!

Beth was in the tube. Grrr...

"Hey, Jon! You have a smiley face on your back!"

"Right there?"

"Oooh, that's cool. Let's all take pictures of Beth in the sun."

Seriously...epic climbing skills.

Hey, Beth!

And then we just talked in the grass...

Beth, you look silly!

And then we went back over to Caitlyn, Alan and Mandy...

They created a mound. :)

"Guys, now the short people can reach." -Jon

And I bounced...

And Beth bounced...

And then Heather, Beth, and I all bounced

Seriously...silly Jon.

Friend gets hurt...reach for camera.

And Jon got tired.
Jon: Beth, if you were bigger, you'd be taller.
Caitlyn: No...she'd just be fatter.

And then we left at like 9:30.

Jon and Beth demonstrated their marching skills.

(On the way back) "Jon, you look like one of those guys from Mario."

Then we got back to Caitlyn's

And I drank a pomegranate 7-Up. It was delicious.

After that...Heather, Jon, and I went to nightgames.
And I tried to drive...but kind of failed. :P
It was a good night.