Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today's Radio Show Playlist

It was a good show.
Enterlude, by: The Killers
Grapevine Fires, by: Death Cab for Cutie
Desperado, by: The Eagles
Knock on Wood, by: The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Soldier's Poem, by: Muse
Stairway to Heaven, by: Led Zeppelin
Somewhere Only We Know, by: Keane
Courtship Dating, by: Crystal Castles (It was a request, and a weird song)
When You're Around, by: Motion City Soundtrack
Hear You Me, by: Jimmy Eat World
Chocolate, by: Snow Patrol
Californication, by: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Fish Heads, by: Dr. Demento
Camisado, by: Panic! At the Disco
All Through the Night, by: Shake Your Peace
You're the Inspiration, by: Chicago
Pumped Up Kicks, by: Foster the People
Exitlude, by: The Killers

Tune in next week, Wednesday 2:30-3:30. :D
KPGR 88.1

My Third Show

It's kind of right now. How exciting.
I got a request, for something that we had.
Too bad it's not something I know.
Oh well.
Tune in, KPGR 88.1 from 2:30 to 3:30 every Wednesday.

Monday, September 26, 2011

George Clooney

No...not this handsome devil.

But this...slightly creepy one.

He's the radio mascott, in case you weren't aware.

Yeah...I'm a Ditz

So...I got the remote.
I turned on the TV, changed the channel.
Ten minutes later, I couldn't find it.
Another ten minutes later, I still can't find it.
Then I walked to the fridge.
I felt something in my pocket.
And...of course it's the remote.
Fail. :P

I Just Love This Family

The Marquis.
They're kind of awesome.
And all their Blogs are fun to read.
They have some interesting insights.
And some great talents.
Today it's Kylie's Blog.
Here you go.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Second Radio Show

So...I kind of forgot to do my show this week.
But...I guess that's okay.
I'm making it up right now, covering the Friday 3:30-4:30 show.
It's kind of fun. :)
And there's no-one else here, so I don't feel as self-conscious.
Plus, I'm pretty sure I figured out how to work the music.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Grrr...yesterday I forgot my radio show.
Which sucked. :C
And now I have to make it up.
But...I don't really know very many people in my class.
This fails. :C

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Did It

I transferred out of AP Physics.
That class was just sucking me dry like a leech.
And I'm no longer in early morning seminary.
Holy crap, no science this year.
That's amazing.
(Even if it might mean that I should take double science next year.)
And I'm in a different English class.
So...lots of changes.
And...apparently they start tomorrow.
Oh boy.
Thank you, Mr. Aguirre!
You just saved my life

Monday, September 19, 2011

I Love US History...and Math :)

Remember when I posted about this?
Yeah, well, it's kind of awesome.
And we kind of watched it in AP US History today.
It was fantastic. :)

Some other highlights from that class:
"I don't want to stand in line, I wnat to hid behind that tree."
"If he hadn't done that, we would still be English, and we would break later for tea and krumpets."
"I would rather live on Jupiter than have a Facebook!"
'We see you!' 'Aw, crap!'

And then when I walked into BC Calculus, this was on the door.
It was amazing :)

Also, a few things Mr. Palmer said:
"If math only had polynomials, life would be easy."
"I understand about 70-80% of what we have to learn in chapter 8. But don't worry."
After a long tangent story about his daughter:
"I don't know how we got off on that, but..."
"Let's look at some pretty pictures here in the book."

Basically, it was a good day. :D
And now I'm watching the season premiere of How I Met Your Mother.
Pure awesomeness.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

School Makes Me Crazy

It's kept me away from you, beloved internet.
I've missed you.
It began with my frustration with Mr. Deans. So Kirsten wrote me a story.
It was amazing. :)
I did my first radio show on Wednesday. It didn't fail too badly. :P
Also on Wednesday I went to the Homecoming Pageant.
And saw a rainbow.
It was pretty funny.
Especially this:
On Thursday my pen exploded, and I made artwork in German.
I also went to a KPGR party.
Where we watched The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie.
And I discovered a funny thing that Taryn had.
The case made a cool hollow sound when I knocked it against my leg.
And on Friday I finally got a computer in Radio.
It's Jakes old computer, which means it's epic. :)
And on Friday I borrowed the second and third disks of Psych from my neighbor!
And this is me being way happy today, because JULES KISSED SHAWN!!

The Life of A Cat

Another paper I wrote for English
(I've written 4 so the first 3 weeks of school)
This one's based on my cat.
Or don't.
I don't really care.

The cat begins her morning on the hunt for food. If she were in the wild, she would truly hunt it down. However, in her current environment, the only food she receives is the food she begs for. Normally, this regal creature would never stoop as low as to beg, but she has learned, that to survive, there is no other way. So she swallows her pride, and meows.
After her filling meal, she seeks a safe haven for her morning nap. Her most frequent habitat is the high bed with the fluffy surface and the great view out the window. When this haunt is unavailable, she spends her morning in the moving seat downstairs overlooking the back yard. During the morning and early afternoon, she spends her time sleeping or bird-watching.
At times, she is surprised as she is discovered and rudely awoken. The feeders (as she thinks of the humans who live in her domain) disturb her routine to “play” with her. At times such as these, this magnificent creature has two options: fight, or play along. She is reminded of her days as a kitten, on the streets. When she thinks of those times, she is tolerant of the feeder’s quirks and she is playful.
As the day passes, lunchtime nears. She seeks out one of the feeders, and does all in her power to receive the food. She will even become cozy in order to obtain her nourishment. Although it seems like the cat might be an impersonal beast, on certain days, when she’s in a good mood, she will encourage the feeders to pet her, purring in pleasure.
The rest of the evening consists of another feeding time, more relaxing lounges, and as the evening draws to a close, treats. If she is ignored, she will continue to persist until she is given what she deems “rightfully hers.” Even after the feeders go to bed, the cat is on the prowl for creatures invading her area. If there is another cat in her territory, she will defeat it. And when the night is over, her day begins anew.

Haha :)

It's always good when someone makes fun of something as stupid as Twilight.
So this is good.
Every once in a while, I read this blog.
Because the writers are kind of awesome.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Big Bang Theory

It's pretty dang hilarious. :)
Especially this one.
Or when this happened.
And of course this silly compilation of two great things :)


It's been such a long week.
Between sleep deprivation, homework, testing stress (I had 4 tests this week), my first radio show, and other stressful events, I'm about dead.
I wish the school week was only three days long.
It would be so much easier. :)
Huzzah for the weekend! (starts in 22 minutes)

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Stranger

So...last night I had to write a paper for English.
And I didn't want to, but I did.
So I whipped this off in about 15 minutes.
And...enjoy. Or don't. :)

I see you all the time, and yet I don’t know you at all. You’re there, on the bus, on the way to the city. You’re there at the store when I make an emergency trip after realizing I don’t have enough eggs to make my cookies. You’re right there, right in front of me in the park, on my weekend walks with my dog. You’re near, and I feel like I know you, though we’ve never spoken.
Do you remember the time, at the bus stop? I was running late and almost missed it. Did you watch me, from your seat, like I watched you as I walked down the aisle? I wonder, if you were observing me, until I set my eyes on you and you looked away. And when I sat behind you, did you think about turning around, and introducing yourself? Did you know that as I stared at the back of your head, I was debating with myself whether or not to say hello. If I had, would we be friends now, or would we still just be strangers?
That one day, I could tell you were having a bad one. On the day when you seemed to have forgotten your umbrella and it started to rain. I had mine, and maybe, if we knew each other, I would have shared. Instead I averted my gaze and moved on, ignoring your unpleasant wetness. I had places to go; I didn’t have time to help you, a stranger to me.
I remember when I caught your eye, across the room at a New Year’s Eve party. We each quickly looked away. I wonder, though, what if we’d held it. What if we just spent the night staring into each other’s eyes? What if you or I had walked over, and introduced ourselves? Would we have found a parallel in our interests, and spent the night discussing it at great lengths? Or would the conversation have fizzled and become awkward? All my what-ifs could have been answered if only one of us were brave enough to approach.
Only yesterday, I saw you on the street. We drew closer and closer and I felt my heart pounding in anticipation. Could this finally be it? Would we finally meet and be introduced? I opened my mouth to talk to you, and you were gone. Where did you go? Did you not wonder the same things as I wonder now? Who is that stranger? Or am I just some other person on the street? Do you count up the meetings we have as I’ve grown accustomed to, or do you not even notice me?
Okay, I’ve made up my mind. The next time we meet, be it tomorrow or years from now, I’ll introduce myself. I’ll stop asking myself what-ifs, and just take a chance. The mystery of your presence will be solved and my curiosity quenched. I’ll see you around, stranger.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Libraries Are Great

Today I went and volunteered at the Springville library again. :)
It was fun.
I put in RFID tags (or something like that).
And I used a lot of them.
I tagged three shelves of Books on CD.
That's about 20 books a row, 80 books a cart (on average).
It was a lot of books, and a lot of fun.
I love the library, and I really wish I worked there.
That would be my dream. Amazingness. :D

Math Class

I like it.
It's my haven...unless we're taking a quiz.
Which I just did.
I think I did okay.
But after we take them I start to doubt myself.
Did I do that? Oh no, did I forget something??
It's the worst.
Stop worrying fool!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"When I Get Sad, I Stop Being Sad, and Be Awesome Instead"

True story.
Ha, Barney Stinson, you show up everywhere.
Now you're on Jessie's Blog.
Along with some other cool stuff. :)

Epic Good Times

I like people's blogs.
Especially when they posts pictures and/or videos.
So here's a cool blog about a music video. :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cute Puppies :)

Sunday was good.
I went to my aunt and uncle's house to visit puppies.
End of story.
The black and white puppy is Moo-Moo
The black one is Blackie (he fell asleep on me a lot)

The (mostly) white one was DJ (I think), he was the most feisty
He liked to get on Copper (my aunt and uncle's dog)

And the black and gray one was Spot

They were completely adorable, and hilarious

Eventually they began to get very drowsy and they fell asleep
It was all great...
But then...
When the black one woke up...
He peed on me.
A lot.
But it was still cute. :)