Monday, September 19, 2011

I Love US History...and Math :)

Remember when I posted about this?
Yeah, well, it's kind of awesome.
And we kind of watched it in AP US History today.
It was fantastic. :)

Some other highlights from that class:
"I don't want to stand in line, I wnat to hid behind that tree."
"If he hadn't done that, we would still be English, and we would break later for tea and krumpets."
"I would rather live on Jupiter than have a Facebook!"
'We see you!' 'Aw, crap!'

And then when I walked into BC Calculus, this was on the door.
It was amazing :)

Also, a few things Mr. Palmer said:
"If math only had polynomials, life would be easy."
"I understand about 70-80% of what we have to learn in chapter 8. But don't worry."
After a long tangent story about his daughter:
"I don't know how we got off on that, but..."
"Let's look at some pretty pictures here in the book."

Basically, it was a good day. :D
And now I'm watching the season premiere of How I Met Your Mother.
Pure awesomeness.

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