Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Life of A Cat

Another paper I wrote for English
(I've written 4 so the first 3 weeks of school)
This one's based on my cat.
Or don't.
I don't really care.

The cat begins her morning on the hunt for food. If she were in the wild, she would truly hunt it down. However, in her current environment, the only food she receives is the food she begs for. Normally, this regal creature would never stoop as low as to beg, but she has learned, that to survive, there is no other way. So she swallows her pride, and meows.
After her filling meal, she seeks a safe haven for her morning nap. Her most frequent habitat is the high bed with the fluffy surface and the great view out the window. When this haunt is unavailable, she spends her morning in the moving seat downstairs overlooking the back yard. During the morning and early afternoon, she spends her time sleeping or bird-watching.
At times, she is surprised as she is discovered and rudely awoken. The feeders (as she thinks of the humans who live in her domain) disturb her routine to “play” with her. At times such as these, this magnificent creature has two options: fight, or play along. She is reminded of her days as a kitten, on the streets. When she thinks of those times, she is tolerant of the feeder’s quirks and she is playful.
As the day passes, lunchtime nears. She seeks out one of the feeders, and does all in her power to receive the food. She will even become cozy in order to obtain her nourishment. Although it seems like the cat might be an impersonal beast, on certain days, when she’s in a good mood, she will encourage the feeders to pet her, purring in pleasure.
The rest of the evening consists of another feeding time, more relaxing lounges, and as the evening draws to a close, treats. If she is ignored, she will continue to persist until she is given what she deems “rightfully hers.” Even after the feeders go to bed, the cat is on the prowl for creatures invading her area. If there is another cat in her territory, she will defeat it. And when the night is over, her day begins anew.

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