Saturday, September 17, 2011

School Makes Me Crazy

It's kept me away from you, beloved internet.
I've missed you.
It began with my frustration with Mr. Deans. So Kirsten wrote me a story.
It was amazing. :)
I did my first radio show on Wednesday. It didn't fail too badly. :P
Also on Wednesday I went to the Homecoming Pageant.
And saw a rainbow.
It was pretty funny.
Especially this:
On Thursday my pen exploded, and I made artwork in German.
I also went to a KPGR party.
Where we watched The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie.
And I discovered a funny thing that Taryn had.
The case made a cool hollow sound when I knocked it against my leg.
And on Friday I finally got a computer in Radio.
It's Jakes old computer, which means it's epic. :)
And on Friday I borrowed the second and third disks of Psych from my neighbor!
And this is me being way happy today, because JULES KISSED SHAWN!!

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