Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bagger Vance and Mr. Viking

Bagger Vance: Yep... Inside each and every one of us is one true authentic swing... Somethin' we was born with... Somethin' that's ours and ours alone... Somethin' that can't be taught to ya or learned... Somethin' that got to be remembered... Over time the world can, rob us of that swing... It get buried inside us under all our wouldas and couldas and shouldas... Some folk even forget what their swing was like...

Rannulph Junuh: What were you doing out there? I could have killed you.
Bagger Vance: Nah, actually, I positioned myself right in front of you, 'cause from the way your swings were goin', I figured that was the safest place.

Rannulph Junuh: This is getting embarassing.
Bagger Vance: Oh no sir, this has been embarassing for quite some time.

Oh, that movie makes me happy. :)
We watched it yesterday as "golf practice."

Then I went to Mr. Viking last night.
It was epic! Josh Brown had such an amazing skit. :D
And Ammon got first runner up! KPGR, represent!
It was a good use for my $4.

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