Friday, March 2, 2012

February 29th...

Two days ago was that momentous occasion that only comes around every four years.
It was pretty fun. :)

I went to school, it was a B-day.
I had a great time at the end of math talking to my nerdy calculus friends.
After school, I had my radio show.
I had a bunch of fun.
Jared was playing around with my putter.

I wore a sombrero.
After my show, I went straight to golf practice.
We watched some funny, weird golf videos.
Then we putted.
The last thing we did (golf-related, at least) was our school hallway mini golf putt.
Down the stairs, and the hallway, through the foyer-area between the library and counseling center and all the way down by the entrance of the auditorium.
And I shot...
And I made it.
It. Was. Awesome!
Best day of my life.
(Here's my pink golf ball, by the way)
Pretty sweet, right?

After golf I went home, showered, made dinner, and then went to mutual.
We were using Easy Bake Ovens.
This is what got created:
And...when I got home I realized I had English homework.
That was a downer.

Anyway...that was my February 29th.
It was a busy, busy day. But fun.
The end.

1 comment:

  1. Golfer? I hope you didn’t miss the Mayakoba Golf Classic this weekend. Everyone looked like they enjoyed sunny beautiful Mexico! Especially first time PGA Tour winner, John Huh. Final round wrap-up video right here:
