Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Lazy Week

Hey y'all, here's what happened this week. :)

First, food, as I had so much deliciousness last weekend being HOME for Fall Break:

 I went to Wingers with Erika
 My mom got the chips and salsa AND the french fries (due to an overeager, but forgetful waiter, it was quite excellent, actually).
 I had some TASTY fajitas.
The aforementioned waiter hooked us up with some popcorn to go. It was delicious
Erika can attest to that fact.
After Wingers, we went back to my house and watched The Muppet Movie. It was quite wonderful, what with the third greatest gift being dolled out by the armful (laughter; after children and ice cream).
On Thursday I cooked plain chicken for the first time at college. It was quite tasty. This might have to become a more common occurrence...if I can motivate myself to go to the effort.
It made an excellent sandwich. Mmmmm...chicken sandwich [drools]

Another thing that happened over the weekend was Fishpond. Yes, that's right, I got to have it twice this year. There was delicious food there, but somehow, I neglected to photograph any of it. In fact, the only picture I seem to have (there are others in other--unavailable places to me) is this one:
Which...kind of summed up the evening for me. While I did find some time to hang out with the rest of my family, most of my evening was devoted to following these guys (and another small child) around. We found and pet the cat. The little girl (Presley) talked quite enthusiastically about her for quite a while (as well as about my stars in my room and other topics I didn't quite catch). The little boy (Bridger) along with his cousin (Lincoln) were also quite entertaining to play with. (They're the children of my cousins). Also making an appearance that evening was my nephew Edj. I somehow failed to photograph him as well, but I promise, he was there. 
Anyway...on with the rest of the week.
Here are some snapchats:
And the cat. 
That's really all you need to see.
A few other random highlights of the week:
Saw this on Pinterest. Quite hilarious, if I say so myself.
Erika and I play a lot of electronic "With Friends" games. I'd have to say my favorite at the moment is Dice With Friends. Here is a game where I demolished her. I'd have to say I'm quite proud of my luck.

On Wednesday in University 1040 (I still have no idea what the purpose of that class is), we had a substitute: Professor Nickerson. While waiting for him to arrive, we decided to take a different approach on class that day (as he is quite different, some might say crazy). Here are some pics from four (okay, five) different angles:
 That was Nickerson's doings
 We had to thing of words to write
Lots of words
There's the man himself
And that's what we did before class. 
Here's the end result of the 50 minutes

Erika drew some lovely pictures on Thursday. She was even kind enough to include "reaction" shots.

And I worked on a very useful skill: learning to sign my name upside down. I'm sure someday that ability will come in handy.
So, before I leave you with some more Calculus professor quotations, I'd like to say one more thing:
In the words of Dr. Armstrong:
"I was playing for the nerdiest laugh ever, how did I do?"
"It's just a little problem with the most important theorem of all time."
"Today is the 15th...wait, is Halloween tomorrow?"
"This is other homework: what's the opposite of not?"
"You really have to convince yourself that you cannot do this integral, before you do this integral."
"And that's what I tell my kids; as soon as it gets hard, I just stop."
"If I cut my arm off...that'd be awesome."
"Isn't this already interesting? I mean, this is hella cool."
"There were two of us, and half the class was asleep at any given time."
"This is...something."
"If that confuses you, you might want to remind yourself of the definition of 'triple,' it's a thing."

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