Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's Fall Break Time

Hi there,
So...this is a bit later than I wanted to post this, and consequently, it may be a bit lazily put together. I'm somewhat sleepy, eyes hurt from the onion in the air from whatever soup my mother is making. So, I'll try to put this together quickly. Here goes.

Food stuffs:
 Part of lunch one day
 The other part of lunch
 Wonderful pizza with wonderful people
Most delicious water...ever
Many, many Snapchats
Rachel ;)
 Erika's cat seems cool
 I woke up at 9:30 this morning...I don't know why
 Should I be afraid?
 We're cool. You know it, Rachel, Kellie and I.
 My mom really likes my nephew, I call him Edge :)
 My cat likes to nap in chairs
 Erika must have been in heaven
'Nuff said

Erika got me hooked on Pinterest this week...just a bit. Here are a couple of pins I like:
 Will someone make up one of these for me?
Mwahaha, tan(gerine)
Here's some more stuff:
 I figured out my schedule for next semester
Look at how beautiful they look staring at the wall
Also, I got to come home, with:
 (Tori too)
We sang Les Mis
I finally got to see my cat again!
 I put her in the laundry cupboard
 She's so silly
She communicates with the fish
She sits on couches

As I mentioned above, I went to eat delicious pizza at a place called The Slab with my two dear, old friends: Rachel Davis and Kellie Moss. It was quite wonderful. Yay :)

And, finally, I entertained my nephew for a while. We had fun,

Just like The Lion King

So there.

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