Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pictures and Siri and Family Oh My

Okay, so I'm having a bit of a brain meltdown on how to arrange this post. So...I guess I'll just go for it. Here's what happened this week:
First, a random assortment of pictures.
 Bekah's a bunny
 I'm a bull
 Cucumber Orca ;)
 Horse Hair
 Gonzo squash! :D
 Orca's a wizard
Vinnie is a gentleman, with a moustache.
Here's some tasty food:

 On Tuesday we fed the missionaries.
We made a lot of breakfast food: pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, juice. :)
Erika tried to grate a baked turned out interesting-ly 
On Tuesday we made fajitas
Mine were beautiful
 On Thursday we had Oreos
in shake form....mmmmm....{drools}
We eat popcorn
A lot of popcorn, especially Erika
Here are some pretty pictures I drew:
 Clouds...and a muffin man
 Erika and I want a rat when we grow up
 Seagulls poop
Siri kind of scares us sometimes,

But sometimes it's good for a laugh,

I also have several friends who Snapchat quite wonderfully:
Here are some fun ones:

And the best one:
Another thing that happened this week is that my family came down to visit during their fall break. They made us dinner and the aforementioned shakes on Thursday, as well as buying me a LOAD of groceries. My mom put on our Halloween tradition of fishpond. We all got "fish" which were wonderful objects/treats. Basically, presents for Halloween. Then, on Friday, my mom helped me do my laundry...lots of money. She also helped me clean the bathroom, that was quite exciting. We went to see the production of The Marvelous Wonderettes at the Shakespeare Festival. We also went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant called Brody's. Saturday we went golfing and then got some pretty tasty frozen yogurt from a place called Krave. It was a good weekend. :D
 Erika got cookbooks
 Jessica got Nutella
We all got popcorn (even if you can't see it)
I got awesome dry erase crayons :)
Dad made the delicious Oreo shakes
 There were smiles all around
 Katelyn...was there ;)
Mom liked to talk. She certainly enjoyed herself.
It was a good night (the sign says "loon")
 Loads (literally) of laundry
Wonderful productions

 Golf carts! :D
 Father. Score: 60
 Katelyn. Score: 77
 Me. Score: 91 
There were about 8 gajillion potguts on the course. We named a lot of them: Stan, Jeremy, Chuck, Chet, Fred, Pete.
This is Chet.
 Dad's yogurt
 Katelyn's yogurt
 My yogurt
 Mom's yogurt
I'd like to end with some more wonderful quotes from Calculus quotes from this guy:
Dr. Armstrong (who I might get to take another class from next semester!)
  • "Don't say Lagr"ay"nge, you'll sound like a hick. Say Lagr"ah"nge, you'll sound like a wannabe Frenchman."
  • "Unless you have very skinny cows, you're not going to set x=0."
  • "Let's have a 'bring a buddy' day on Friday...unless you're a math major and you don't have a buddy."
  • "I'll be going to a football game all day Saturday, and Sunday doesn't exist."
  • "Unless I die, which...I hope I get better if I do."
  • "And, just so I can say it, sextuple integrals..."
  • "I hope you're not discussing another subject in my class, because that would be dangerous for you."
  • "I'm not going to have you recreate this on a test, because I don't want to have to grade it. That would be the last thing I'd want to do...well, hanging upside down from my toenails would be, but this is next.
  • "I care about these stars especially."
  • "Just because it's called the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, doesn't mean it's important."
  • "I'm going to abbreviate it like this: Fun. Theorem of Calculus."
  • That's a great question. It's like I gave you $5 before class to ask that question at this exact time."

1 comment:

  1. CASSIE! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! this made me so happy. hahah i love the quotes.
