Sunday, August 21, 2011

I really do have rotten luck...

I've been thinking about sickness,
Seeing as I'm SICK RIGHT NOW.

So yeah, I've been thinking about the last time I was sick.
Because it was the week of AP testing.
Yeah, I was sick when I took my AP test. D:
(But I still passed.)

And the time before that...
The end of Christmas break last year.
And before that:
The beginning of that Christmas break.
(Yeah, I was sick on either end of Christmas)

The time I remember before that was on my birthday
(At the end of 8th grade).
That was a huge bummer.
I had to postpone my birthday party.
And I was on the couch all weak all day.
That was lame. :C

And the time I remember before that was in 6th grade.
(I'm sure there were times between, but that was the worst.)
Because my parents were in Europe.
And I had to stay home alone.
And all I ate was golfish and twinpops.
And I was hallucinating.
I thought my hands were boxes or something.
It was messed up.

So, that's my experience with sickness.
It's been kind of awful.
I hate my luck.
But hopefully I'll be okay for Tuesday...

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