Saturday, August 27, 2011

Late At Night I Think About Things...

My life is not a romance novel. As you live your life, you start to realize that you don’t have the opportunity for any of the key plot lines. You don’t have a best friend who you will eventually realize you’re in love with, or they’ll realize they’re in love with you. Your friends don’t have cute older brothers that you can have verbal sparring matches with when you go to their houses (at least until you realize you’re perfect together). You don’t have a cute guy to be your enemy that you fight with at school until you realize that kissing him is so much more fun. You don’t even really have the best friend or friends that you can have a huge fight with but then reconcile and live happily ever after. You don’t even date, and yet you entertain the fantasy that someday, something like that can happen to you. That maybe, someday, the guy you like will actually like you back instead of how it always goes: he likes someone else. But you comfort yourself with the thought that someday, you will meet a nice guy who will want to date you. And until then, you fill your mind with the stories of fluffy romantic comedy writers; in books, in movies, on TV. But really? When you face the facts, what are the chances of anything remotely that romantic or cute ever actually happening to you? Someday, you will realize that your life isn’t fiction, that you might not live happily ever after, that you might not fall in love any time soon. But you can still hope, can’t you?

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