Friday, August 19, 2011

Our Trip to Trafalga...

Last week (at least I think it was last week)
I went to Trafalga with my friend Beth...
 My brother, and his "friend" Kate.
 We drew on our pizza box.
It was a nondescript, white box
So we decided there were explosives in there.
And then Kate drew "us"
 Beth and I had fun chillaxing
 And we saw a, get this:
Fat Dog! Haha. :D
 And Beth drew the duo at Trafalga.
And I got a moustache as a prize. :D 
Also, I got stuck on the Go-Karts.
We Mini-Golfed
I "didn't" go into the forbidden water
(Just my arm)
We rode the Carousel.
And did mini bowling.
It was great. :D

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