Saturday, March 31, 2012

Remember how...

Remember how I got in my first accident on Tuesday? car is kind of seriously damaged.
As in, maybe totaled.
Which sucks, because now I have no car and too many places to go.
Like golf.
And school.
And the library.
And early morning band festival.
And Barnes and Noble.
Not cool. :(

Remember how I got a Nook?
Well...the power cord kind of died.
And with no way to charge it, the Nook died as well.
So I have no Nook at the moment either. :c

But, remember how I took the ACT?
Well...I got a 32 again.
All my scores went down by 2 (Science and English) or 3 (Reading) except Math, which went up by 5.
Do you think this shows something about my English education this year?

Sadly, I still don't know my score on my Calculus test. I want all this insanity to go away.
I need (okay, want) a car. And a Nook. And to know my math score.'s hoping this week goes better than last week did.

Feliz Cupleanos

Today is my brother Joe's birthday.
He's done some stupid stuff, like all siblings, but we still have a great time hanging out.
He's always been pretty crazy and way awesome.
He goes to the University of Utah, and is a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity.
He's way too smart for his own good, but you can pretty much always count on him for a laugh.

Happy birthday Joe. :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Some things I know now:

  • Car accidents are kind of scary, but you can survive...usually.
  • Rope comes in handy, you should keep some on you at all times.
  • The integral of (sinx)^2 is apparently 1/2(x-sinxcosx). I know that now. :)
  • A lot of people like The Hunger Games, but I've never read them and have no plans to.
Some things I hope to know soon:
  • My score on the ACT we took at the beginning of the month. It's killing me!
  • How I did on my chapter 8 BC Calc test.
  • When I'll get my car back.
  • Who will be Pleasant Grove High's next Student Body President?
  • Can I survive 18 holes of golf? (Not so much soon as just at some point in the next month)
Here are some pictures of my car:

Alas, I have no car today. :C

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

24th Show

Today's Picks:

  • Pumped Up Kicks, by: Foster the People
  • Smile, by: Weezer
  • Smile Like You Mean It, by: The Killers
  • Expo '86, by: Death Cab for Cutie
  • Violet Hill, by: Coldplay
  • Good Day, by: Tally Hall
  • The Jester, by: Sum 41
  • Believe, by: Yellowcard
  • Stairway to Heaven, by: Led Zeppelin
  • Stay Beautiful, by: The Last Goodnight
  • Chocolate, by: Snow Patrol
  • Starlight, by: Muse
  • Running Out of Time, by: Hot Hot Heat
  • Diplomat's Son, by: Vampire Weekend
  • The Mixed Tape, by: Jack's Mannequin
  • Thinking of You All Day, by: SHAKE YOUR PEACE!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Time

Today was my very first ever golf tournament.
I ended up sunburnt, of course.
On my nose, a little one the rest of my face/ears, and my part (hair).
I had fun though. :)

I got a total of 70, par total was 36.
It was...long. I was in a group with some good girls though.

Now...I'm tired.
Night. ;)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Colm Wilkinson

He was Jean Valjean on Broadway.
And now he's the bishop in the movie.
That makes me happy.

Pictures of My Life

These are the things that make me happy right now:

 Those are my books (some of them, the newer ones)
 That's my math class. Brady decided to lay on the floor today.
Silly Brady. :)
 That's my background on my phone right now.
Jon's one of my favorite people. :D
Tee hee, he looks like an old housewife or something.
Oh yes, this is why I hang with Josh
(<-----The TV's over there)
Yesterday it looked like my cat was watching TV.

A Letter to the World

Dear Motor Vehicle Drivers of the World,
When your engine is loud, it's LOUD, and ANNOYING.
It doesn't make you cool.
It just makes you DUMB.
Please quiet down your engines.
(Especially motorcyclists)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ryan and Jared Time (Show 23)

First of all...
Jared, how do you walk in a "monotone fashion?"
He said that on the show.

Here's the good word:

  • The Sound of Settling, by: Death Cab for Cutie
  • One Trust, by: The Last Goodnight
  • Horchata, by: Vampire Weekend
  • Read My Mind, by: The Killers
  • Wish You Were Here, by: Pink Floyd
  • I Believe in a Thing Called Love, by: The Darkness
  • Walk This Way, by: Run DMC
  • We're Going to Be Friends, by: White Stripes
  • Crashin, by: Jack's Mannequin
  • Hotel California, by: The Eagles
  • Sinister Kid, by: The Black Keys
Near the end of my show, Hayden Hunter and Jake Packer came in.
They had me sing the school song for them for a video they're making.
That was interesting...

Math Pick-up Line friend texts me:
"Hey girl, what's your sine? It must be pi/2 because you are the 1"

Wow, dork. :P

Kinda makes me happy.

Like at lunch when Ricks is punching Franklin in the arm (don't ask) and Josh leans over and says "Ha ha, Matt is hitting on Franklin."

Nerd jokes.
They're the best.

Happy Pi Day! :D

Yay, a nerdy math holiday that is semi-widely accepted and celebrated. :) was pointed out today in math, "pie" is equal to pi times e
which is approximately 8.5
So...the real day you should celebrate with pie is August 5th.
But today's good too.
As long as you carve a pi symbol into the top of it. ;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Long Week

It feels like it's been a really long week.
And yet it's Tuesday.

Today we had a golf skills challenge.
It was pretty fun, even if I did kind of fail. ;)
I don't have practice for the rest of the week though, so that's good.

I'm so glad that 3rd quarter's almost over!! Yay. :D
Because then it's fourth quarter...
And then I get to sleep, because it's summer.

I'm so tired.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bagger Vance and Mr. Viking

Bagger Vance: Yep... Inside each and every one of us is one true authentic swing... Somethin' we was born with... Somethin' that's ours and ours alone... Somethin' that can't be taught to ya or learned... Somethin' that got to be remembered... Over time the world can, rob us of that swing... It get buried inside us under all our wouldas and couldas and shouldas... Some folk even forget what their swing was like...

Rannulph Junuh: What were you doing out there? I could have killed you.
Bagger Vance: Nah, actually, I positioned myself right in front of you, 'cause from the way your swings were goin', I figured that was the safest place.

Rannulph Junuh: This is getting embarassing.
Bagger Vance: Oh no sir, this has been embarassing for quite some time.

Oh, that movie makes me happy. :)
We watched it yesterday as "golf practice."

Then I went to Mr. Viking last night.
It was epic! Josh Brown had such an amazing skit. :D
And Ammon got first runner up! KPGR, represent!
It was a good use for my $4.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I took the ACT yesterday, for the second and last time.
I don't think I did as well this time.
The science section was pretty crazy, and the reading was a little hard to focus on. On the math section one of the questions didn't really make sense at all!
I think I did okay on the English though.

After that I went with Merkley and Josh to get lunch.
We got Subway. Yum.
And cones from Maceys.

We finally had golf practice at the course.
It was sooo windy, we had to cut it short.
I had a couple of pretty good shots. :D

It was a pretty good day, rounded off with some Wizards of Waverly Place.

Tonight I'm ging to Mr. Viking. I'm pretty excited.
Ammon Packer (my radio dad), Nate Church, Nate Schols, and Josh Brown!
Hecks yeah I have to go.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Keeping it Classy

KPGR is awesome.
These guys are crazy.
And I love these videos. :)

February 29th...

Two days ago was that momentous occasion that only comes around every four years.
It was pretty fun. :)

I went to school, it was a B-day.
I had a great time at the end of math talking to my nerdy calculus friends.
After school, I had my radio show.
I had a bunch of fun.
Jared was playing around with my putter.

I wore a sombrero.
After my show, I went straight to golf practice.
We watched some funny, weird golf videos.
Then we putted.
The last thing we did (golf-related, at least) was our school hallway mini golf putt.
Down the stairs, and the hallway, through the foyer-area between the library and counseling center and all the way down by the entrance of the auditorium.
And I shot...
And I made it.
It. Was. Awesome!
Best day of my life.
(Here's my pink golf ball, by the way)
Pretty sweet, right?

After golf I went home, showered, made dinner, and then went to mutual.
We were using Easy Bake Ovens.
This is what got created:
And...when I got home I realized I had English homework.
That was a downer.

Anyway...that was my February 29th.
It was a busy, busy day. But fun.
The end.